DNA, RNA, and the Roles Played by
Ligase and RNA Polymerase
Cathy Watson, RN
Student ID #000571523
September 17, 2016
Welcome Medical Paraprofessionals
Of the Community Health Center
Stem cell research has been taking place since the late 1800’s when scientists from all over the world studied stem cells in plants, rodents, and humans in order to propagate and find cures for disease. (Boston Children’s Hospital, 2016). When looking at DNA replication, it can be very confusing and makes one wonder, “which came first, the nucleus or the DNA?” It certainly made me wonder. In the wake of stem cell research and the controversy that surrounds it, I hope to shed some light on how DNA is replicated into RNA and how the …show more content…
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National Human Genome Research Institute (2015, June 16). Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Retrieved September 4, 2016, from National Human Genome Research Institute, https://www.genome.gov/25520880/deoxyribonucleic-acid-dna-fact-sheet/
(National Human Genome Research Institute, 2016)
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(Your Genome, 2016)