Make your own Bio-Plastic
A workshop focusing on the problems of plastics made by fossil fuels and a look into making your own bio-plastic.
At a glance
Total time: 1 hour
Learning Styles: Visual, auditory, practical, participatory, teamwork
Objectives: To learn about the challenges facing fossil fuel plastics and how to make your own bio-plastic
Audience: Anyone
Max/Min no. of participants: N/A (Dependant on amount of materials)
Time | Activity | Equipment | 5 minutes | Welcome | | 15 minutes | Introduction | | 30 minutes | Practical | See material and tools list | 5 minutes | Closing | Sign-ups for email |
Materials Per batch of bio plastic (Ideally per person): * 100g of potato * 300cm3 of distilled water * 25ml of water * 3cm3 of hydrochloric acid or vinegar * 2ml pure glycerol * 3cm3 sodium hydroxide * Food colouring
* Grater * Pestle & Mortar * Strainer * Beaker/Jars * Measuring cylinder/jug * Weighing scales * Indicator Paper * Portable hob
* Prepare equipment, tools and materials * Prepare sign-up sheets for new members
Room requirements
* An area suitable for doing hands on work and mixing liquids * Kitchen for source of heat. Use portable hobs if this isn’t possible
Welcome (5 minutes)
Introduce yourself: * Your Name * Position/Job/Organisation * Your role in the workshop * Relevant experience to the workshop (University, projects, work etc.)
Explain the learning objectives of the workshop to the audience:
The purpose of the workshop is for participants to learn about the problems surrounding plastics made by fossil fuels. This is done in the introduction presentation.
Afterwards, participants get to make their own bio-plastic in a hands-on practical. Participants will be able to take the plastic home with them at the end of the