His name is John Hill Sr. also born and raised in Camden, New Jersey. His hobbies consist of watching movies, playing sports, and playing cards. The high school he attended is Woodrow Wilson High-school which is in Camden, New Jersey. Football was his passion since he was a kid. He often loved playing the game with his friends and his family members. However, unlike Annie, he never really enjoyed school and often got bad grades. He and Annie never married each other, so it isn’t considered a nuclear family. Annie and he soon found a small house located in East Camden, which at the time was a good location. There was a lot of controversy for blacks to own certain houses in other places. Segregation was a big thing in the 1920’s, which prohibited blacks …show more content…
from using certain things. Such as bathrooms, water fountains, and most importantly schools. They simply are unmarried with three children Carol, Sissy, and Ronald.
When she was around thirty years old, she had one daughter named Carol Yvonne Jones.
She was the oldest out of the group. Carol Yvonne Jones is my grandmother who is very hard-working. She went to Camden High School and excel academically and in sports. Her grades never were below a “B”, she took school very seriously. Even though she wanted a career for herself, society was still not acceptive of women working. At an early age, she was taught strict gender roles that prohibited her dreams. After a year or
I’m the youngest out of my two brothers, which makes me the last child.