Number of hadith
According to Sheikh Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi, Sunan Ibn Majah contains 4341 hadith. what is interesting is that, the statistics are collected by Shaykh Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi, on all these hadith. He found out from 4341 hadith that 3002 hadtih is a hadith which was in the Al-kutub Al-Khamsah. While 1339 hadith which was narrated by Ibn Majah in addition to the existing 3002 hadith. These hadith called zawaid (in addition to those already narrated in Al-kutub Al-Khamsah). even though in a small portion, Sunan ibnu majah still contain hadiths shahih, hasan and dhoif and also hadits munkar and maulu. Compared to the other sunan,sunan ibnu majah is lower level then them.from al-mizzi,all hadiths that had been narrated by ibnu majah himself are dhoif.
Regardless of the pros and cons, a clear quality of Sunan Ibn Majah is lower than kutubul Khamsah and the most widely Sunan books of hadith contains