Dr Shannon Kelly
Biological and cognative psycology
The work on three basic emotions Fear, rage, and love stimmed thru relationship between visual and tactile emotions were studied by Watson and J.B.Morgan,(Watson, 1928), the two psychologist studied children that when shown or touched something they feared would suddenly catch their breath, and when shown love the response was smiles and laughter, but when mad angry, turned to rage, the child would scream and shout and throw temper tantrums.
Watson and Rayner did a future study to prove how a phobia can begin, (Watson and Rayner, 1920), the two psychologist took an unattached, unemotional child from an prphanage called Little Albert, they began by giving the child a white stuffed rat, Litle Albert loved and played with the toy for a time, then Watson went to the next phase, when Little Albert reached for the animal, Watson made a loud noice and it startled the child, Watson continued doing this every time the child picked up the toy after repeated attemps the child eventually formed a fear of the animal, the white rat, which led to his phobia.
Slide 10 Maze learning
Watson did a study on rats in the early 1900”s the goal was to determine what sences were needed for a rat to learn the maze.(Carr & Watson 1908:Watson 1907) From on e experiment to another, the first being to remove the eyes of the rat, the second was to shorten the maze, and finally concluding that Kenisthisis sences is how the rat goes form start to finish on the maze.
Watson, J.B. & Rayner, R.( 1920), Condioned emotional reactions. Journal of experimental psycology, 3,1-4
Carr, H.A., & Watson, J.B. (1908), oreintations in the white rat. Journal of comparative neurology and psycology, 18,27-44