Anxiety disorders are common place these days, with as many as 17% of people will/have suffer/ed some form of anxiety in their lives (Somers, Goldner, Waraich, & Hsu, 2006), from being concerned about most anything, to full blown attacks with physical symptoms. Anxiety disorders seem to be a result of a combination of biological, psychological and other individual factors (CAMH, 2014). If one feels nervous or fearful about a situation, this is normal, but if the feelings are ongoing and creates significant distress and causes disruption in daily living (CAMH, 2014), then this is considered a disorder.
An anxiety disorder, like a panic attack, can strike without warning and is accompanied by physical symptoms of heart …show more content…
The biological perspective can be addressed, where the inhibitory neurotransmitters responsible for toning down anxiety called gamm-aminobutyric acid, and/or, the serotonin or norepinehrine receptors, also implicated in anxiety disorders (D.S. Baldwin, 2006), are a dysfunction in the brain. Coupled with this, are instinctual behavioural consequences of responding to a conditioned fear stimulus, which prompts the overwhelming urge to get away quickly (conditioned …show more content…
This type of therapy includes training in skills relating to handling panic attacks without catastrophizing, breathing retraining, exposure to situations linked to panic attacks and to bodily cues and training in relaxation (S. Taylor, 2000). By being in a situation (exposure therapy, CBT) where she needed to implement relaxation techniques (self-monitoring, CBT), to calm her breathing down (self-monitoring, CBT), and to reassure herself that the sensations would subside (developing coping response skills, CBT), she would utilize the cognitive behavioural therapy methods, without panicking. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), approaches, have patients become panic free by the end of treatment and is long lasting (Barlow,