Answer the following questions in short-essay format. Each response should be 200-300 words. Be prepared to discuss your answers.
1. What is biological psychology?
Biological psychology is a major neuroscientific discipline that looks at the way the brain functions in relation to an individual’s behavior. Biological psychology is the study of the biology of behavior through the scientific approach. This approach focuses on the biological aspects of behavior and how genetics plays a role in the way an individual acts and reacts to different stimuli along with different situations. The cells of the human body send encoded messages throughout the body from the brain to tell the individual how to react. Psychology in general is the study of behavior that focuses on all the behavioral activities which can include learning, memory, perception, emotions, motivations and feelings
2. What is the historical development of biological psychology?
Biological psychology did not become a major neuroscientific discipline until the 20th century. There is not a specific date that sparked the beginning of biological psychology but D.O. Hebb’s publication of The Organization of Behavior in 1949 played a key role in biological psychology becoming a major neuroscientific discipline. D.O. Hebb was the first to devise a theory that showed that perception, memory, thoughts and emotions could be produced by brain activity. D.O. Hebb’s theory helped to discredit the view that people had that believed psychological functioning was too complex to have ties with physiology and chemistry of the brain. Biological psychology is still a relatively new discipline that does not have a complex history but it is rapidly growing with the current research that is being done.
3. Name one to three important theorists associated with biological psychology.
Biological psychology has roots in biology, genetics and neuroscience and