Biology is Life and the Living
Characterstics of living things
Must have
Complex and Organized structure based on element carbon
Flower (complex and organized)
Reproduction and show gene controlled by heredity
Camel reproduces and heredity is the traits based on the genes of the DNA
Instructions on how to create YOU
Crystal reproduces but has no Genes and no control
Living things show growth and development
Egg cell with sperm to embryo to child
23+23 for DNA
Energy Processing
Living things take in matter and energy and convert
For example a plant uses carbon, sun, water from molecules of plant and nectar…humming bird takes sugar for energy
Living things respond to changes in environment
When dead no stability
Homeostasis- physiological stability (not maintain results in fever)
If Duggins adjusted thermostat we would all leave
Evolutionary Adaption
Natural selection ( sea horse looks like coral to protect from predators)
Hierarchy of Bio Organization
Biosphere (Planet)
Biotic and abiotic components
Living and non living components
Of a particular place (Lake)
Size: determined by biologist
All LIVING components of ecosystem
Population is all members in the community
Coral reef=ecosystem as fish=community
Individual human
Organ System and Organs
Digestive systems, tummy, intestine
Composed of cells
Cells of organ system
Mitochondria, chloroplast
Composed of Molecules
Robert Hook 1700’s
Wine cork thin slice under microscope saw chambers in slice reminded him of monk cells thus cells
Cell Theory (1800s)
All living things are composed of cells and all cells come from pre exhibiting cells
Spontaneous Generation is not supported by cell theory
Cat is dead and maggots just appear (not true)
Boat in water and barnacles just appear (not true)
Types of Cells
Prokaryotic (before nucleus)- found in bacteria
One chromosome just inside cell but NO ENVELOPE
Eukaryotic cells (true)- found in animals and plants and is a true nucleus
What makes it true? There is a nuclear envelope surrounding the nucleus within the cell
Nucleus that is true contains
Chromosomes, nucleus, DNA
Biological Classification (small to large)
Species- composed of populations of organisms whose members interbreeds and are reproductively isolated from other such groups
Ex of isolated: Leper frogs don’t mate with bull frogs (mate within their species)
Genus (Genera)- group of closely related species
Example: black beer=species
Polar bear, grizzly=genus (similar to one another-common ancestor)
Family-closely related genera
Order-group of closely related family
With each level there is an increase in species per definition
Three domain Systems
Largest Category of class
Archeae- prokaryotic cells (extremophiles- extreme environments)
Bacteria-prokaryotic cells (E. Coli)
Eukaryote- eu cells (You and I closer to Archaea)
Eucarya- various groups of animals
Protisia-amolo, gradra, euglera
Unicellular eurcyotes- “protisia”
Three kingdoms of Eu Domain
Fungi-mushrooms (eu) multi cell, abosopotive(take in nutrients..Break down molecules to arbores through body’s surface)
Animalia-Multi cell, ingested
Plantae-multicellular, phosoytheitic, bacteria and plants
Photo-sunlight energy to make proteins and other molecules
Unity and Diversity
Unity=similarity of all living things
Cells, dna
Cilia (cilium) Nine plus two Arrangement and found in human plants and fungi
Diversity- 25000 species of fish
1858 Origin of Species
Arose from succession of life forms
Ability for one to produce large offspring but have remained stable for populations
No two humans alike
Heredity Variation
Environmental Factors
Diff in reproductive success of individuals
Who stays alive?
Scientific Inqury
Things not done before (NEW)
Discovery Sceince
Limitation: what you discover has to be VERIFIABLE
Hypothesis Bases Science
Scientific Method
Hypothesis based
Educated guess to explain observation
To be Scientific it must be TESTABLE
God made sky blue- not scientific
Hypothesis verse Theory
Guess as to what causes some phenomenon
Very POWERFUL hypothesis
Tested multiple times
Explains many different aspects of some feature
Big Bang Theory
Chapter TWO
Atoms, Molecules and lif e
Capacity to DO work (Big Black)
Two Forms of Energy
Kinetic- MOTION
Car rolling down hill potential- STORED eraser on projector has potential converted to kinetic with a push
Anything that takes up space and has mass
Matter is composed of elements and compounds
Element- NA( cant be broken down into other substances by ordinary chemical means
Compound is composed of two elements or more
NaCl (Salt)
Can be broken down COMPOUND CAN
Elements of the Body
Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen
P phosphorus
K potassium
S sulfur
Na sodium
Cl chlorium
Mg magnesium
Dense core in ATOM
The nuclei in brain is cluster of nerf cells
In the Nucleus?
Protons and Neutroms
Both 1 Atomic mass unit (DALTON)
Surround the nucleus
Electrons almost have no mass
Negative charge
Number of protons= Number of electrons
Atomic number = number of protons
Atom that has extra or lost electrons
Na +< lost ELECTRON thus a positive charge
Lost Proton thus negative charge * Molecules can be IONS also
Atoms joined together with COVALENT bonds can form ions
OH – (hydroxide ion)
Atomic mass isn’t whole number because isotopes
Atoms with unusual number of neturons
Radio isotopes
Unstable isotope
Spontaneously breakdown or decay
Example:cancer of thyroid gland
Only cells that use Iodine (trace)
Radio Isotopes are useful because they can be used as traces, and solve basic chem
Electrons Stability and Basic Chem
Electron Shells (K L M)
Electron Orbital
K closet
2 electrons
L second closest
8 electrons
M last
8 electrons
Using lowest energy
We take notes sitting not standing
Get stability by
1. Electrons get as close to nucleus as possible if atom has two electrons they will be in K shell
2. Full valence shell outer most shell is filled with electrons not M always
3. Hydrogen wants to fill shell by forming chemical bonds
Valence number is number of electrons atom needs to fill outer MOST shell
To fill these shells they form chemical bonds
Valence elctrons (electrons in valence shell )
Chemical Bonds (Three Types)
Covalent- involve SHARING both ways by each atom ( electron pairs
Polar covalent- involve unequal sharing of electron pairs
Ionic- electron transfer
When do you form what
Electronegativity – atoms ability to attract electrons
If EN is less than .5 =COVALENT
“” .5-1.6= POLAR
If EN is greater than 2= IONIC
Notes 9/4
Water= solvent of life
Aqua solution
Hydration shell
Solvent-what use to dissolve
Solute-what you Use to dissolve in water
Aqueous- water in solvent
Hydration shell-salt (na plus Cl minus Na plus Cl minus
Held together by ionic bonds
Water can disrupt bonds with hydration cells
Water=polar molecule
Hydro is positive
Oxy is negative
The two hyrodgen positive bonds are attracted to bonds and water weakens thus separation and dissolve
Like dissolves like
Water is polar (pos at one end neg at anoter)
Thus water dissolves polar substances
Polar-living molecules with lots of O or N
Glucose-molecule (c6h12o6) with a lot of Oxygen (electronegative attract electrons)
Nonpolar compounds
Another term is Hydro Carbons
Long chanis of C and bounded and lots of it
Oil (oil in water)
Amphipathic (both)
Detergents and soaps
Both polar and non polar
Polar head and non polar tail
Polar head is a group of atoms with N or O
Polar heads attracted to polar water
Hydrophilic LOVE WATER
Non polar tail have little to no N or O
Tails all collide in to attract to eachother
Hydrophobic HATE WATER
Micelle-dissolve detergent in water
Non polar oil mixes with tails of amphipathic
Detergent is amphi (designed to dissolve oil and not oil in substances)
Colloide- suspension of fine particles in a liquid
Vile of blood all read, let it sit, dense dark red (blood cells) mask at bottom with pink solution(liquid plasma)
Molarity (M)
Atomic mass
Atoms have a mass and term for mass is Atomic Mass
Number of protons and neutrons, measured Dalton of AMU
Molecular Mass
Mass of molecules
Molecules of glucose is c6h12o6
Molecular mass is sum of Atomic Mass
6x12=72 (number by daltons)
6x16=96===180AMU mole of a substance is atomic mass or molecular mass in GRMS mole of C is 12g all in grams mole =6x10^23 particles a mole is just the AMU combined together it creates one mole
Na (25 g) plus CL (25g) does not =50
Solutions-measured in molarity( one molar solution in glucose)
1m of 180 g of glucose refrence beaker drawings
Always one liter * Acids, Bases and PH
Protons=hyrdrogen nuclei=hydrogen ions (H+)
Hydrogen atom (reference picture)
Taking away electron to make circle P hydrogen ion
Acids-protons (h+) donors
Sulfuric Acid
H2SO4 it break apart in water (dissociate)
Strong acids
Dissociate completely
Weak Acids
Dissociate incompletely (don’t break apart all the way)
i.e carbonic acid
Proton acceptors
Decrease number of protons in solutions
Accept bases
Directly or indirectly
NaOH sodium hydroxide—dissociate to Na and Oh in water
* Ph and Ph Values
Measure of hydrogen ion concentration
Reference Notebook
Ph scale- logarithmic scale
Every change in number is a factor of ten
P solution of 7 is 10^-7 M
A ten fold change to a ph of 6 * Mole of susbatance is atomic mass/ molecular mass in grams molarity is grams of solute/ one liter of soluntion
Ph measures of hydrogen ion concentration
Ph =-log (h+) or –exponent of (H+)
Add exponents when multiplying * Buffers- aqueous solution consisting of a mix of weak acid and its corresponding base
Common buffer is carbonic acid (h2CO3) in blood
Blood ph is 7.35-7.45
Isomers- variations in the structure of organic molecules
Structural- some molecular formula, with different covalent bond arrangements
CIS-trans involve double bonds between carbons
Refer to examples in notes
CIS is when it is same side (fold over similar)
Trans is when they mirror each other
Enahhomers =mirror images
Refer to notebook example
Functional groups
Hydroxyl-OH alcohols, sugars, glucose,
Dissolve in water because polar bond in O-H
Carbonyl-C=O aidehrydres or kertones
Refer to text examples
Carboxylic acid
Acids because OH releases H+ (proton_) O pulls electron away from it –weak acids
Amino n—HH:amines
Amino acid also carboxylic acid
Acts as a base picks up proton to become ION
Two can react –Sh SH-, to create –s-s-, releasings H’s (disulfide linkage) * Phosphate_PO4=phosphoric acid
OH would release H, making it an acid
Has negative charge
Important in energy transformation (ATP_
ATP with H2-P+P-P=created energy
Not reactive, helps form 3d shape
Bond to certain parts of DNA, to turn on and off expression of genes
Chapter 5 MacroMolecules
Monomer=BUILDING BLOCKS OF macromolecule
Refer to text diagram
When bonded together chemical reaction is DEHYDRATION SYTHESIS
Hydrolytic reaction- adding water back to get original figure (water split)
Carbohydrate=carbonate (CH2O)
Monomer is monosaccharide
Glucose, fructose , galoctose
Monosaccharide- monomers of carbs
Trioses-3 carb sugars
Pentoses-5 carb sugar
Hexoses-6 carbon sugar
Aldehyde sugars-aldose (carbon O on outside)
Ketone sugars=ketoses(carbon O group in center)
Jar and power form=liner with straight arrow
Put that in water
Dissolve into cyclic form
Two monosacs bonded =DISACCHORIDE
Common ones
Sucrose –table sugar
Maltose -beer
* A bond of two glucose attached by OH and H to release water to create new bond
Reference diagram
Main function of monosacharides=ENERGY SOURCE
Main fuction of Disacchorides= ENERGY TRANSPORT
Think of plants will form these to travel through the plant
Dolysacharides-energy storage and structure
Stored in cells of liver and muscle
Run out of these you will hit “a wall”
Long chains of monosacs
Common forms
Plant starch
Helix type form
Animal starch – gylocen
Branched off form
Most common organic compound in whole word
Cell walls in plant cells made of this
Lumber to build house
Beta Glucose
Strong because in straight arrow
Wire refrence
Alpha glucose
Animal starch
Plant starch
Starch all OH groups are bottom next to each other
Can break down starches as a human
Beta glucose
OH at top then at bottom keep reversing
Zig zag
Straight as an arrow
This makes cellulose perfect for structure like things
Animals cant digest cellulose only some fungi and bacteria
Corn in digestive system not digestible
* Lipids
C,H,O but with much less )
Lipds with little O are there for non poloar and hydrophobic
Cant dissolve lipids in water
Oil, fats, waxes,steroids
Most common Lipid
Composed of glycerol (ol=alcohol) and three fatty acids
Three carbons long with h on all sides and OH off all right sides of C
Combine with each fatty acids to take water out
Review figures
Ester linkage-type of covalent bond produced when alcohol and fatty acid are bonded
Figure 5.11
First fatty acid is saturated=every carbon has two hydrogen’s (butter)
Last fatty acid is unsaturated=not every has two H instead they are doubled boned in one area thus leaving H;s out
Double bond
Creates BEND in bond (oils)
Three carbons long each bonded to fatty acid
To make phospholipid take out one fatty acid and replace with PO4
Reference figure
PO4 is polar and hydrophilic so on left side of chain
Non polar and phobic on other side
Thus amiphatic molecule * Refrence to the micelle which is heads all out tails all in due to fact it is pure solution
Refrence figure 5.12
Steroids-lipids also composed of ring structures
Four rings of carbon
Examples are testosterone, estrogen, cortisol and cholesterol
Cholesterol makes all other steroids
Long chains of hydroxile groups and bond fatty acids to all carbons
Waxes are more dense and solid
Monomer of protein is AMINO ACID
Twenty different kinds of amino acids
Monomer of protein
Bond together by dehydration synthesis
To create new bond between C and N which is peptide bond
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