Free earlobes 20 100%
Attached earlobes 0 0%
Hair on knuckles 5 25%
No hair on knuckles 15 75%
Widow's peak 5 25%
Straight hair line 15 75%
Curly hair 10 50%
Straight hair 10 50%
Cleft chin 2 10%
No cleft chin 18 90%
Mom: free earlobes, no hair on knuckles, straight hairline, curly hair no cleft chin
Dad: Free earlobes, no hair on kuckles, widow's peak, straight hair, no cleft chin
Me: free earlobes, no hair on knuckles, straight hairline. straight hair, no cleft chin
I think that free earlobes is the dominant trait (Because none of the 20 people I surveyed had attached earlobes). I think that no hair on knuckles is the dominant trait (Because 75% of the people I that surveyed had it). I think that straight hair line is the dominant trait ( Because 75% of the people I that surveyed had it). I don't know whether straight hair or curly hair is the dominant trait (Because it was an even split). I think that no cleft chin is the dominant trait (Because 90% of the people I surveyed had it). I don't seem to exhibit any of the recessive traits shown here. I shared the same chin shape, earlobes and amount of hair on knuckles. I didn't exhibit any trait that was not exhibited in my parents. If an offspring exhibited a recessive trait that neither parent exhibited, it would mean that both parents carried it. I was surprised that none of the 20 people had attatched earlobes. Yes, It is possible that a recessive trait