Biomedical Sciences - Preprofessional
Concentration (B.S.)
3. Core Requirements: Basic Level
Life Sciences: Basic
SLS 2311C Overview of Select Medical Careers
College of Medicine
Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Molecular and Microbiology,
Health and Public Affairs II, Room: 335 Email:
Dr. P.E. Kolattukudy, Chair
Phone: 407-823-5932
Students seeking admission to professional schools (medical, dental, optometry, veterinary, podiatry, and pharmacy) will meet all the admission requirements for those programs while obtaining a
Molecular Biology and Microbiology degree.
Admission Requirements
Degree Requirements
Students who change degree programs and select this major must adopt the most current catalog.
Students should complete the General Education
Program before transferring within the Florida Public
University/Community College System.
Grades below “C-” in Common Program Prerequisites,
Core Requirements and Restricted Electives will not be accepted. Students should consult with a Departmental advisor and the Pre-health Advisement Office in HPA I 124.
1. UCF General Education Program (GEP)
(36 hrs)
Note: Certain courses must be selected in GEP for this major, bringing the total GEP hours to more than 36.
A: Communication Foundations
(9 hrs)
ENC 1101 Composition I
3 hrs
ENC 1102 Composition II
3 hrs
Prefer SPC 1603
Fundamentals of Technical
3 hrs
B: Cultural & Historical Foundations
C: Mathematical Foundations
Select 1:
CGS 1060C Introduction to Computer
Science or
STA 2023
Statistical Methods I
(9 hrs)
(6 hrs)
3 hrs
3 hrs
D: Social Foundations
E: Science Foundations
BSC 2010C Biology I
CHM 2045C Chemistry Fundamentals I
(6 hrs)
3 hrs
4 hrs
4 hrs
2. Common Program Prerequisites (CPP)
(16 hrs)
See “Common