For example lets say you were diagnosed with anxiety by a psychologist. In order to help or prevent the anxiety the psychologist will take account of all the factors the can influence someones life like biological factors, social factors and psychological factors. With these three factors an answer to the questions of how and why the anxiety occurred can arise. There are a lot of advantages of the biopsychosocial model over the biomedical method. Biopsychosocial model takes a look at both macrolevel and microlevel processes when analyzing the patient. This means that they account for the bigger overall picture which maybe society as a whole and a smaller picture which is at and individual self to self level. These two processes help in ensure a better treatment. Another advantage of the biopsyosocial model is that since they explore a lot of different aspects of the patient by taking the time to explore other options as to why the patient has the illness or how they got it helps to manage a treatment course that is more effective for that one patient rather then a treatment course that is for the illness
For example lets say you were diagnosed with anxiety by a psychologist. In order to help or prevent the anxiety the psychologist will take account of all the factors the can influence someones life like biological factors, social factors and psychological factors. With these three factors an answer to the questions of how and why the anxiety occurred can arise. There are a lot of advantages of the biopsychosocial model over the biomedical method. Biopsychosocial model takes a look at both macrolevel and microlevel processes when analyzing the patient. This means that they account for the bigger overall picture which maybe society as a whole and a smaller picture which is at and individual self to self level. These two processes help in ensure a better treatment. Another advantage of the biopsyosocial model is that since they explore a lot of different aspects of the patient by taking the time to explore other options as to why the patient has the illness or how they got it helps to manage a treatment course that is more effective for that one patient rather then a treatment course that is for the illness