Abstract: Biometrics is research that is needed in all areas of life. Biometrics involves using the different parts of the body, such as the fingerprint or the iris, as a password or another form of identification. This is said to be the security of the future. Think about all of the situations that we face in life that will either destroy you or help scientific matter. Currently, fingerprints are used to identify criminals for crime scene. Biometrics is being used more by the public. The fingerprint and hand is a unique map that each individual has. In this paper I will explain to you about fingerprint and hand biometrics.
Biometrics is a science. It is a science that measures individuals¡¦ physical characteristic properties that are unique. With world changing of every second of everyday; human beings is still the cause of security breaching. On just about every website you need a password or pin number. Passwords and ID cards have been used to control access to restricted systems. However, security can be easily breached in these systems when a password is disclosed to an unauthorized user or a card is stolen by an impostor. We as humans forget password and pin numbers because we have so much to protect and access. Furthermore, simple passwords are easy to guess and difficult passwords may be hard to remember. The coming out of biometrics has addressed the problems that occur in traditional verification methods. Biometrics in this case would be best. With biometrics it¡¦s uniqueness of physical characteristics can never be lost, stolen, shared or forgotten.
For biometrics authentication, there are some requirements that are needed:
ª Uniqueness- one of a kind
ª Universality- present or occurring in everyone
ª Permanence- the state of being permanent
ª Measurability- being measurable
ª User friendliness- clear and simple to measure
There are three basic factors
References: 1. ¡§1999 Glossary of Biometric Terms.¡¨ http://www.afb.org.uk/downloads/glossary.pdf (29 Nov. 2004). 2. ¡§Biometric Authentication.¡¨ http://www.engr.utexas.edu/uer/ (23 Nov 3. ¡§BIOIDENTIFICATION ¡V FAQ¡¦s.¡¨ http://www.bromba.com/faq/biofaqe.htm#Sicherheit (29 Nov. 2004). 4. ¡§Biometrics: Hand Geometry Projects.¡¨ http://biometrics.cse.msu.edu/hand_web.html ( 09 Dec 5. ¡§Biometric hand geometry recognition.¡¨ http://technologyexecutivesclub.com/biometrichandgeometryrecognition.htm (09 Dec. 2004) 6. ¡§Biometric Recognition.¡¨ http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~kumar/Biometric_Recognition.htm (29 Nov 7. ¡§Biometric Solutions By Classification.¡¨ http://www.biopassword.com/home/technology/biometrics.asp (29 Nov. 2004). 8. ¡§Biometrika ¡V Security and Biometric Identification Systems.¡¨ http://www.biometrika.it/eng/wp biointro.html (29 Nov. 2004). 9. DiMaria, Peter 11. ¡§Fingerprint Identification.¡¨ http://biometrics.cse.msu.edu/fingerprint.html (28 Nov. 2004). 12. ¡§Fingerprint Identification Systems.¡¨ http://www.bergdata.com/en/technology/about_the_algorithms.php (07 Dec 13. ¡§Individual Biometrics.¡¨ http://ctl.ncsc.dni.us/biomet%20web/BMFingerprint.html#basics (23 Nov. 2004). 14. ¡§International Biometric Group.¡¨ http://www.biometricgroup.com/reports/public/reports/error_id.html (29 Nov 15. ¡§Introduction to Biometrics.¡¨ http://library.thinkquest.org/28062/intro.html?tqskip1=1 (29 Nov. 2004). 16. Kuster, Lisa