I am going to assess the two models of health which are the biomedical model which this is objective and socio medical model which is subjective, I will be capering the two models of health by linking it to perspectives and to write my own examples to show my own understanding. In addition I will be explaining to what extent each model takes into account as if there are any environmental and social issues that should be considered when assessing the needs of individuals in health and social care.…
The biopsychosocial model describes the concept that biological, psychological, and social factors interact as complex networks that influence one’s health and illness (Suls & Rothman, 2004; Gatchel, 2007). One of the main goals of health psychology is to understand the relationship and interaction between these factors. Health psychologists examine treatment effects on a person’s health by applying interventions that modifies the three factors that comprise the biopsychosocial model (Suls & Rothman, 2004; MacKinnon & Luecken, 2008). Numerous studies and interventions have been designed to improve physical and psychological health based on the biopsychosocial model (cite some of these). Among these interventions, the use of mindfulness-based…
Well-known philosopher Michel Foucault wrote a book called ‘The Birth of the Clinic (1973)’, the main idea behind the book is that Foucault trails how medical knowledge was transferred by scientific methods in the eighteenth century. He recorded that the doctors based their treatments on observation of the patients symptoms rather than referencing books to analyse the type of disease the patient may have. Through observation, Foucault was able to develop the concept of ‘surveillance’ whereby, patients would go for regular check-ups to get analysed and find out if they were healthy or diseased. Keeping in mind back in the old days, they created a false ideological truth about people who were abnormal. These people were seen to be possessed by the devil because…
Galen was a Greek physician who revived the wok of Hippocrates and other Greek doctors. Galen died in the Roman era but his work was still read in the medieval times. Regression in medicine was caused by many factors including war and religion which meant that doctors had to use cures and theories that had already been discovered such as Galen’s theory of the 4 humours and opposites. Due to lack of progress in the past 1000 year’s doctors continued to use Galen’s theories.…
In the department of medicine, Hippocrates dramatically changed the games for the development of medicine (Document 8). It is undeniable and perhaps it is safe to say that all western thoughts that applied philosophy can trace its origin back to the Greek thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle who brought in the Greek rational thinkings. The questions that were once brought in by the great philosophers are still being discussed in multiple courses such as religion and political issues (Document 3,4).…
In this essay I am assessing the socio and medical models of health and to what it implies. The socio- medical model of health focuses on the social factors that contribute to health and wellbeing in society. When this model considers social factors, it particularly looks at the impact of poverty, poor housing, diet and pollution. E.g. poor housing and poverty are causes to respiratory problems, and in response to these causes origins of ill health, the socio-medical model is aimed to encourage society to include better housing and introduce programmes to tackle poverty as a solution. The biomedical model of health looks at individuals physical functioning and describes bad health and illness as the assumption of disease and…
Paraphrasing: Medicine was basic. Physicians had no idea what caused terrible illnesses and diseases. The beliefs about the causes of illnesses were based on the ancient teachings of Aristotle and Hippocrates. The Physicians paid attention to a patients bodily fluids, called Humours. Other beliefs of the Elizabethan Physicians centred around Astrology. The Elizabethan medical workers had no idea what caused the plague.…
The cause of illness was almost entirely unknown, and the beliefs were mostly based on teachings by ancient Greeks and astrology. The ignorance is also apparent in the common clothing of physicians, which were often seen as very strange. The clothing consisted of a large, full, dark cloak, boots, gloves, a hat, and a mask shaped like a bird's beak, which held bergamot oil. They also wore amulets of dried blood and ground-up toads at the waist for preventative purposes. It was also a custom to douse oneself with vinegar and to chew angelica before approaching the patient. These precautionary steps may seem very ridiculous and random. However, the popular belief about medicine formed from six different theories, which happened to make sense at the…
They started with the concepts of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Medical researchers of that time period understood that in order to effectively use medicine for the betterment of human health, they needed to use the same methods that modern medicine uses. These findings were further advanced by the Greek who included medical ethics in their research and development of the subject. It was the Greek who developed the Hippocratic Oath which is taken by doctors today. This was during the 5th century. “The practice of medicine goes back to at least 3000 B.C., when the first written medical records appeared in Mesopotamia.” This shows that people were always drawn to the fact of good health and quick methods to achieve…
Some of his other ideas are found in separate writings. In Hippocrates’ “Diseases,” he went further into the ideas of how the body worked, but focused more on the treatments of diseases. He delineated specific treatments for specific diseases throughout the majority of this essay, and went into detail about bleeding people or specific treatments. Treatments were suggested depending on what symptoms or signs the patient was showing. For example, Hippocrates had very deliberate instructions for the sign of a fever. Each treatment was interesting because his instructions were very specific about every step. For example, one of his steps included the instruction to “inject warm wine and oil into through a small tube.” The specificity of his writing indicated that the Greek view on health and maintenance of the body was highly regarded. The level of awareness for differing illness and their treatments showed that it was an important…
When we think of Ancient Medical practices, we may imagine gruesome and even torturous events; however, it cannot be more far from the truth. With a rational and systematic approach when treating and diagnosing patients, Ancient Greek medicine played a significant role in influencing modern day practice. Furthermore, influential figures such as Hippocrates and Anaximander developed theories and concepts vital in explaining and diagnosing illnesses. Although there are various theories and practices that are imperative, I believe that the Four Humors, The Book of Prognostics, and De Materia Medica are the most important aspects of Ancient Greek medicine.…
“We fought the enemy hard and were successful in effecting cures in three-fourths of the cases, but found it impossible to save all…” One aspect of the difficulty in treatment at the time was an ongoing debate about the cause of disease and how best to treat it. There were two basic sides to each argument. The continuing debate between miasmic, a holdover of earlier medical theory which believed that bad humors or smells created disease, and bacterial, via germ theory, as modes of transmission delayed medical response. Medical experts stood firmly entrenched on both sides of each argument. Treatment options were just as divided between allopathic and homeopathic methods.…
In the middle ages, any kind of mental, emotional or physical sickness was thought to be characteristic of sin or evil and treatments of such issues were dealt with on a spiritual level. The following Renaissance era was all about scientific research and discovery taking the previous beliefs on spiritual origins and disproving them. Illness was established as something more explainable by scientific research rather than spiritual and metaphysical beliefs (Plante, 2011).…
The development of medicine has had a massive effect of the course of human history. Medical knowledge has lead to great leaps in population and greatly increased quality of life throughout history. Likewise the lack of or lose of medical science has also lead to great suffering and loss of life. Advancement in medical learning have come from all over the world. Knowledge from certain areas has endured and from other is only now beginning to be relearned. Ancient cultural practices, religious influence, and scientific advancements all play a part how medicine evolved in different part of the world. The societies of the medieval world were diverse in numerous ways, in regards to the medical field different cultures had very different approaches…
Medicine, science, and technology was improved by the amount of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian scholars, and inventors strained their bodies in the pursuit of knowledge and the better of the health. In Europe King Charlemagne proclaimed that herbs were the friends of physicians and not for cooking. In Europe food was so important to medical treatment that any illness could be curable by diet and not treated…