could cause me to get really sad and dwell on missing them more than doing homework. Being so homesick could cause me to skip classes to Facetime my siblings, and skip classes to go back home and see them and that could affect my grades. Growing up I always had my sister to do things with so not having her here with me could cause me to get lonely. Not always having my sister do things with could lead to me getting really depressed and not want to do things with my friends, and could cause me to push them away. That is what I see myself struggling with the most over the course of the semester. I also see myself dealing with the biological influence of not eating as much as I should because of schedule this semester. I have a full day of classes every single day so I really do not have time to eat in the morning or at lunch. This could cause me to develop an eating disorder. This also could cause me to get sick because my body would not be getting the nutrients it needs to go throughout the day. Not being able to eat as much as I should could also affect the way I treat my friends. I could get so hungry that I lash out on friends and then that could affect me socio-culturally. I also see myself dealing with the psychological influence of depression and anxiety this semester.
I get very anxious about school so having a lot of tests could cause me to be overwhelmed and become very stressed. I could spend so much time stressing over my school work that it could also affect me socio-culturally. Depression is also something that I could encounter this semester. My roommate and I have different classes so not having her in my classes could cause me to become depressed. Not having my roommate in my classes could also affect me socio-culturally because I won’t want to make friends in my classes I will just be depressed about her not being in my classes. We also have different class schedules so sometimes she has a class and I don’t, so being in our room all by myself could cause me to be depressed and lonely, so I might try to cope with it by watching Netflix instead of doing
homework. All of these biopsychosocial influences could have an impact me this semester. With all of them I just have to be aware of them and be proactive about keeping them from happening. If and when I get homesick I will get in contact with my siblings, but not to the point it affects me academically. I am also going to try to eat more at dinner this semester so that I don’t get sick from not having time to eat breakfast or lunch, so that I don’t develop an eating disorder. I am going to bring snacks for the little time I have between classes so my hunger does not affect my friendships. I am also going to try to make friends in my classes so that I don’t get depressed about not having my roommate in my classes. I just have to try my best to be aware of these influences this semester so that they will not happen to me this semester.