
Biopsychosocial Influences That Affected My Life

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There are many biopsychosocial influences that could affect me this semester. The main biopsychosocial influence that I believe will have an effect on me is socio – cultural with homesickness and being lonely. I am a triplet and I have always gone to school with my siblings, so not seeing them every day could be a challenge for me. The other biopsychosocial influence that I may deal with this semester is biological with not eating as much as I should because I have classes during lunch most of the week. The last biopsychosocial influence that may impact me this semester is psychological with depression and anxiety because I get really anxious over school work and I also don’t have any classes with my roommate which could lead to me having depression. All of these biopsychosocial influences could seriously have an effect on me this semester. This semester the socio-cultural influence of homesickness and loneliness will be the most challenging for me to deal with. I am a triplet so family is so important to me, and being so far away from my sister and my brother …show more content…

I get very anxious about school so having a lot of tests could cause me to be overwhelmed and become very stressed. I could spend so much time stressing over my school work that it could also affect me socio-culturally. Depression is also something that I could encounter this semester. My roommate and I have different classes so not having her in my classes could cause me to become depressed. Not having my roommate in my classes could also affect me socio-culturally because I won’t want to make friends in my classes I will just be depressed about her not being in my classes. We also have different class schedules so sometimes she has a class and I don’t, so being in our room all by myself could cause me to be depressed and lonely, so I might try to cope with it by watching Netflix instead of doing

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