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Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder that affects two-million people in the United States alone. Bipolar Disorder is characterized by extreme shifts in mood, up and down. Elation followed by depression. Categories of bipolar disorder include Bipolar1 and Bipolar 2. Cyclothymic Disorder is another form of bipolar disorder that is more chronic but is much less severe. Bipolar is a brain disorder that is chronic and left untreated can continue to increase in severity.
A person with Bipolar 1 Disorder will have recurring episodes of severe depression and severe mania. The majority of Bipolar affected persons are symptom free between these episodes. One-third will have some minor symptoms in between episodes and a small number have symptoms continuously. Bipolar 2 is classified by depression followed by less severe mania, called hypomania. Bipolar 2 can progress into the more severe Bipolar 1. A person is said to have rapid cycling bipolar disorder if they go through more than four episodes of alternating depression and mania within a twelve month period. Although rare, a person can cycle numerous times within one day.
In reference to rapid cycling," a severe variety of bipolar disorder
Cited: "Bipolar Disorder." National Institute of Mental Health.16, Apr.2005 Durand, V. Mark, David H. Barlow. Essentials of Abnormal Psychology.3rd ed. California: Wadsworth, 2003. Johnson, Sharon L. Therapist 's Guide to Clinical Intervention 2nd ed. California: Elsevier, Inc, 2004. "The Course of Bipolar Disorder." 13 May, 2004. MyDNA.com. 16, Apr. 2005 "UCLA-led Study Challenges Bipolar Depression Treatment Guidelines." HealthyPlace.com. 14, Apr.2005< www.healthyplace.com/communities/bipolar/articles/depression_study.asp>