of faith, but church no longer means same thing to him. Another example of Bishop Long teaching the importance of giving to others espcially the church is that he always wants you to give money no matter your social class. “Long wants everyone to contribute and give to their last dollar to the church”(Suskind 30). This is teaching Cedric the importance of give to the church even in financially difficult times. It is important to give to the church as it is a community of love and care for one another.
of faith, but church no longer means same thing to him. Another example of Bishop Long teaching the importance of giving to others espcially the church is that he always wants you to give money no matter your social class. “Long wants everyone to contribute and give to their last dollar to the church”(Suskind 30). This is teaching Cedric the importance of give to the church even in financially difficult times. It is important to give to the church as it is a community of love and care for one another.