(An Informal guide to BITS Dissertation writing) BITS ZG629T(Off- Campus)
An Informal Guide to All Students of BITS, who are doing their Higher Degree Dissertation Projects in the current semester
Dissert at ion Proj ect s in t his sem est er culm inat e in t o a very im port ant and final st age of your educat ional process of BI TS. This leads t o subm ission of a professional report of a high qualit y st andard, as required of t he BI TS Dissert at ion. A Dissert at ion report is of a higher st andard in it ’s approach, wider in scope and deeper in t he levels of underst anding t han t hat of a Thesis report . As a BI TS st u de n t , you should take pride in the Dissertation report as well as your work. You should t ake t im e t o read t his not ice carefully t o avoid u n n e ce ssa r y w a st a ge of your hard time and t hat of t he peer reviewers in cor r e spon de n ce . Here are som e of t he suggest ions t o reduce this, and also prevent Dissertation report revision. Take a Look at the following sections:
Why all this? Follow only BITS Standard Format for the Title Pages of Dissertation(S1) Next page that follows is the certificate. (S2) Abstract Page (S3) Expression of gratitude (Acknowledgement), Dedications (S4) List of symbols, List of Figures & List of Tables (S5) Index / Table of Contents (S6) Chapters and their arrangement (Introduction S7) Results & discussion Conclusion (Page /Chapter) S8 Appendices (S9) References(S10,S11) Communications after you submit the Dissertation Self evaluation or checklist before you send the Dissertation Some tips, dos and don 'ts
Why all this?
We have com e t o not ice t he revisions have been necessit at ed even t hree t im es aft er subm ission by t he due dat e and even in som e cases re- regist rat ion int o next sem est er. The resubm ission cases account for about 30% of t he
References: 13. N.K.MEHTA, 1996 “Machine tool design and numerical control”, Second Edition, T.M.H., New Delhi S11 14. R.D.COOK, D.MALKUS, M.E.PLESHA, 1989 “Concept and application of finite element analysis”, John Wiley & sons, London, Third edition. 19. SCILAB Software INRIA Unite de Recherche de Rocquencourt-project Meta- 2, 1996. 22. U. O.AKPAN, T. S. KOKO, I.R. ORISAMOLU, B.K. GALLANT, 2001,“Fuzzy finite element analysis of smart structures.” Smart materials and structures, Institute of physics publishing, Bristol, UK, 10, pp.273-284