Country: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Delegate’s Name: Kirti Sharma
School: M.G.D Girl’s School, Jaipur
Issue on hand: Topic 1-Affective arms control and prevention of Black arms trade. Black arms trade or gunrunning is the illegal smuggling of contraband weapons and ammunition. The parameters of legal arms trade differ from country to country, according to national and local laws.
Small arms trade are usually done on arms which includes revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, assault rifles, submachine guns, and light machine guns. And the black market includes tanks, radar systems that detect Stealth aircrafts the makings, and blueprints of the deadliest weapons of mass destruction. The difference between illegal and legal trades in arms is still extremely indistinct due to lack of strict international regulations. Black market trafficking usually takes place on a regional level. The supposed ‘merchants of death’ account for only a small fraction of illicit transfers. The most important way of trafficking is the ‘ant trade’. Numerous shipments of small numbers of weapons slowly result in the accumulation of large numbers of illicit weapons by unauthorized users. These weapons are often purchased from gun shops in small numbers and then smuggled over the border. Individual transactions occur on a small scale usually. Sometimes governments also contribute to the illicit trade. By deliberately arming fake groups involved in insurgencies against rival governments, terrorists with similar ideas, or other non-state armed groups.
Arms trafficking are a major threat to nearly all countries around the globe. All countries working towards eradicating this problem employ the services of their national police, administrative and bureaucratic services.
a) Since every state has its own aim and ways of security, a global, all encompassing, regulation of arms trade