Each speaker accepted their black girl magic at different times in their lives, but it all started with the same thing: their hair. All of the speakers mentioned when they were growing up, their moms would always perm their hair for them, and this continued until they were able to embrace their natural hair themselves. All of the speakers talked about the “big chop” which is cutting off close to all of your hair, and just leaving curly, natural hair to grow on its own. One speaker mentioned that after she did the big chop and started taking care of her hair so much, she began to take care of everything else about her, and accepting herself for the way she …show more content…
The hardest time for me to accept myself was in middle school until my junior year of high school. In middle school all I wanted to do was fit in with the “popular” girls. These were the girls that wore so much makeup, had all of the latest style trends, and everything else that was cool at the time. It wasn’t until eighth or ninth grade that I realized that I hated wearing a ton of makeup, all the latest clothes were ridiculously expensive, and all those popular girls weren’t even my real friends. After that, it was hard for me to find myself, and be happy with who I am. I spent the last three years being someone I’m not, and I felt as if I didn’t know who I was anymore. In my junior year of high school, I started not caring about what other people think about me, and finally accepting my flaws, and being happy with I am. Just like the speakers, I had to learn how to love and accept myself, and once I did I knew that was the best choice I have made for