“A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.” (Source 1)
The collapsing or dying of a star causes the strength of gravity to be so strong that light can't even escape the black hole. Because no energy can get out, people can't see black holes making them invisible. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes by observing stars that are very close to black holes act.
Sagittarius A* is the black hole at the …show more content…
According to relativity theory, an outsider observing this would see the object moving slower and slower as it approaches the black hole until it comes to a complete halt at the event horizon, never actually falling into the black hole.
What does it mean to say that "black holes have no hair"?
“The no-hair theorem was originally formulated for black holes within the context of a four-dimensional spacetime, obeying the Einstein field equation of general relativity with zero cosmological constant, in the presence of electromagnetic fields, or optionally other fields such as scalar fields and massive vector fields” (Source 2)
Wheeler coined this phrase; it refers to the idea that it is possible to specify exactly the full nature of a black hole using only three parameters. They are: mass, charge, and angular momentum.
“Black Holes Have No Hair” means that non-rotating black holes have perfect spherical symmetry. (Source