Its plot follows Lee (Grier) and Karen (Markov), who after breaking out of a lesbian run prison, are being chased down by Sid Haig dressed like a cowboy, Karen's resistance friends and Lee's mob enemies. It's an action-packed laugh riot, with a lot going on in such a tightly packed runtime of 87 minutes.
It isn't all roses and hot boobies though, as there are a few choices I don't agree with. The early scenes with the prison …show more content…
There are some really enjoyable interviews with lead actress Margaret Markov, co-star Sid Haig (yes, he too also agrees that the clothing choices were a bit ridiculous), an archive interview with director Eddie Romero, a commentary with filmmaker Andrew Leavold, and finally a trailer and gallery. There is also a booklet and reversible sleeve provided with the Blu-ray. The only complaint I have is the lack of an interview with Pam Grier. I would love to hear what she has to say about this movie, but alas, we don't get to find