A. Where are 1.5 million Black men… In prison.
B. Consequences of enslavement… Destruction of black family life.
C. Population of African Americans…12%
D. Population of incarcerated African Americans… 42%
E. Fatherhood… Prison removes the father from his functional role as a father leading to the destruction of family life.
Motherhood… With the father in prison, the mother is left to be the bread winner.
F. Rap music consumers… are majority white because rap music presents images of blacks that are comforting to whites.
G. Visual media… “The Coconuts” series on Afrotainment… (South Africa)…Giving Blacks a false sense of who they’re meant to be.
H. Games…video…board games…Quiet blacks with games, video, board games and try to impose responsibilities and the idea of working hard after given them all the freedom.
I. Memory replacement… when whites lift Blacks’ memories and replace them with a white identity.
A. Black African… A term that was/is seen as offensive, and characterized by grim or grotesque satire
B. Dictionary definitions… something bad, dirty, soiled, sinister, evil, etc…
C. Evidence of negative identity… if you don’t speak of your race you will be fully accepted in the white world.
D. Definition of “beauty”… It’s all dependent on what the media/culture portrays as beauty.
E. Silence towards Black identity…renders rewards… rewarding by white community because you’re being submissive and the silence is shown as a symbol of equality.
F. Current “New Face of Africa” series on Afrotainment… Halle Berry, Tyra Banks Mr.Valerie, L.C Bolanga, Tofjne
G. Self-mutilation…bleaching… tattoos... Blacks are the highest consumers who use these products in order to mold themselves into what the media portrays as beautiful.
H. Kenneth Clark’s “doll test”… Black children were shown black and white dolls and asked a series of question pertaining to images. They picked the white dolls to