He tried to appeal to us with emotion. He used pathos in the essay to show is reasoning by using emotions and values to show us, the readers, how upset he was getting. He couldn't even go to his work with our being hassled. “One day, rushing into the office of a magazine I was writing for with a deadline story in hand, I was mistaken for a burglar” ( Black Men and Public Spaces paragraph 8).
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“Over the years, I learned to smother the rage I felt at so often being taken for a criminal” (Black Men and public Spaces paragraph 11).
Being a colored man he had to go through his normal day life with people being scared and instantly coming to conclusion about who he was. He never got over it he just came to terms that people are always going to assume the worst if you are a black man. He tries to make himself seem less threatening to people around him. That would be the hardest thing to do. Imagine being a good person and instantly being judge by the color of your skin. He was a nice humble man from a small town now being characterized as a bad criminal. As the anthropologist Ashley Montagu pointed out, race is “man’s most dangerous myth.” It is “one of the most destructive factors in the history of humankind”(Racism in America 11). In this they are saying that people are bringing out racism. They believe that in a scientific way that all of the human race comes from Africa. There should not be any differences in our races.
There is a lot of hate crimes out there towards other races. They have occurred as long as race has been an idea in our human minds, but they fall below the social radar. As a society we try not to think too much about it. “According to FBI statistics, hate crimes have risen by over 300 percent from 1960 to 2010” ( Racism in America
21). In Racism in America they did some research and they are saying that there is still 10 to 20 percent of people who still believe in the old ways. They still think that there should be segregated and that people should be judge by their race and their character. I do believe that racism is a big issue in today's society. Together we can come over this. We
Moss | 3 just have to start a movement starting with yourself. When a couple of people start acting different and try and change something you can start a rippling affect that can change more and more people. It starts with you.