I took the skin-tone IAT and my data suggested a strong automatic preference for light skin compared to dark skin. I knew that I may or may not have agreed with some parts of the test results; however, I strongly disagree with the results that I actually did receive. The way that the test switches the sides in which the categories are populate, was really confusing. I do not believe that it was because there were light skinned people on one side and dark skinned people on the other, I believe it was confusing when the images shown on the opposite sides of the screen. I feel that if it were any other images, I would have still been just as confused, but because the images that were switched were of people, my data suggests that I have a stronger…
Go to the Project Implicit website and take the Implicit Association Test (implicit.harvard.edu/implicit). Choose any test within the demonstration category. After retrieving the results of your test, share them with your classmates and consider their accuracy. Were you surprised by your results? Do they accurately portray your attitude toward the group? Do you think these types of tests are reliable in measuring prejudice? Please explain your answer.…
Prejudice is one of the plights of that afflicts mankind. It has shown itself throughout history in many different forms however none as often as racial prejudice. Race has been something that has been studied for centuries. In the early 1800’s scientists believed that one’s race would affect mental capacity as well as how able people are able to complete certain tasks. Race was also used to determine a person’s status in society in many parts of the world. The lasting effects of these beliefs in race have created a culture of racial prejudice. There are two types of prejudice, explicit and implicit prejudice. These two types of prejudice are extremely different however they offer very applicable data for employers and in learning about how…
During the time of racial segregation in The United States, thousands of leaders rose from their seats to fight for equal rights for Africa Americans. Two main leaders were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois. Although both leaders had the same goal, their views of achieving them were completely different. Washington believed in gradually working their way up the ladder; year after year African Americans will be treated with more and more respect and equality they deserve. On the other hand, Du Bois was aggressive in his tactic by instantaneously demanding his equal rights. He believed Whites will never give African American equal rights unless compelled to do so. This was a battle between peace and war, light and dark, but as history has proven, peace always wins.…
I believe that the Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws still relate to racial inequality today. Between 1877 and the 1960’s, the Southern states in the U.S. created more than just anti-black laws; they created an ongoing stereotype of racial inequality. Although these laws and codes are no longer in place, I believe that there ideas of racial inequalities are still present in the world we live in today. As a country, we have come a long way from such racial segregation to joining together as one. In the past, schools, prisons, buses and many other places were separated between whites and African Americans. We now attend the same schools, work at the same places, but more importantly have the same opportunities. Although, the Jim Crow laws are…
I feel I accept everyone equally, include everyone and don’t discriminate against any differences. However, the results came out differently. My results concluded I have an automatic preference to African Americans versus European Americans and had a 33% strong automatic response for able people versus disabled people. When the results were displayed I was automatically offended the quiz stated I have a bias. However, as I thought more in-depth, I might not have been aware of my actions and had an unconscious bias. Though I may not agree with the results, I do believe the quiz could have some truth in representing a person’s unconscious bias. The “gaming” part of the quiz would determine the unconscious bias. To improve this aspect, I believe there should have been a variety of questions asked with more than one race or disabilities presented. Every day there are biases many people are not aware of. I was not aware of some biases that existed until the Global Citizenship presentation. Overall, I believe the quiz held some truth to our unconscious bias, even if we did not agree with our…
The article examines the relationships between the black working poor and the black middle class. The black middle class is defined as being fragmented, comprised of an array of incomes, professions, and educational levels. The article also states that black middle class experiences economic shifts that move back and forth between blue-collar and white-collar income levels and occupations. (Shawn A. Ginwright 2002) The black middle class experienced dramatic growth in the post civil-rights era. This growth raised questions about how social and cultural capital among the black middle class has helped the conditions of the black working poor. The author demonstrates through materialist and culturalist frames of the community how black middle class members of a small organization frame community failed to address the needs of the working poor. Materialist frames are rooted in day-to-day material conditions. They are informed by the lived reality of low wages, high rents, and or poor quality schools and focus on immediate change of concrete conditions. (Shawn A. Ginwright 2002) Culturalist frames challenge ideas and values, rather than power and people. Through a shared set of ideas and values, culturalist frames focus on symbolic meaning and abstract theories of the social world and attempt to change social meaning and personal identity. They promote specialized ideas about community and social issues and encourage expert-based social change through highly skilled, educated professionals. (Shawn A. Ginwright 2002)…
My automatic preference was toward European Americans. The results of this test aren’t very surprising to me. In class we were told how the test would go, so I already knew what to expect. There was a small bit of doubt whether or not the test would indicate a strong preference for one or the other at all though, because I am Hispanic. I would have speculate that based on the fact that I grew up primarily in white suburbia in a private school that almost exclusively consisted of all white students, that my preference is a subconscious choice. I am most familiar with European Americans therefore I chose them over African…
First of all, It has always been normal for me to be so close with African Americans. Six of my siblings are adopted from Ethiopia. They have been a part of my family ever since I can remember. As a result, it is odd when I hear comments about differences in race. Once a girl asked me if my parents would allow me to date an African American. The answer was an obvious yes to me because I have been taught to view everyone as equal, and that race ultimately did not matter when choosing a spouse. Her reply to the…
Has bias ever influenced anything you have done? Have you ever been swayed by the way someone looks or by the color of their skin. In 12 Angry Men bias is everywhere, most of the characters have been influenced by bias one way or another. But by far juror 3, 10, and 7 are the most biased because they all can be mean, racist, and impatient.…
In this article, Whites Swim in Racial Preference, Tim Wise discusses the racial inequality in our society. As a whole, we want to believe that our culture is fair and just in racial terms. We would like to believe racial preference is a thing of the past, however, it is very much current.…
1 . What issues most concerned black political leaders during Reconstruction? Reconstruction brought important social changes to former slaves. Families that had been separated before and during the Civil War were reunited, and slave marriages were formalized through legally recognized ceremonies. Families also took advantage of the schools established by the Freedmen's Bureau and the expansion of public education, albeit segregated, under the Reconstruction legislatures. New opportunities for higher education also became available with the founding soon after the Civil War of black colleges, such as Howard University in Washington, D.C., and Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. The number of African-American churches grew significantly and became social and political centers as well as houses of worship. Black ministers assumed a leadership role in the community and were among the first elected officials. The most fundamental concern of blacks through all of the changes, though, was economic survival.…
* In what ways have laws been used to eliminate discrimination? Provide examples. Did the laws work to eliminate discrimination?…
In today’s society there are many people living in poverty. All across America there are different projects and reservations where the less fortunate reside. Statistics show that mostly minorities live in these different locations. Native Americans and African Americans are two of the more popular races living in these places. The group suffering the most in these situations is the youth. Although both Native American and African American children living on a reservation or in the projects experience a terrible community, have little to no faith, and a broken family structure, African American youth living in the projects have it worse than Native American children living on a reservation.…
I picked this test because there are hundreds of people I encounter weekly that have a different skin color than me. I have never been one to hold prejudices, so I was interested to find out the results. The results of the assessment suggest that I have a slight preference for Light Skinned People over Dark Skinned People. Meanwhile, my personal opinion differs because I thoroughly believe that I treat everyone the same no matter their race or ethnicity. I have friends that come from all walks of life, and I feel open-minded to forming new relationships with a variety of different people of different cultures. However, perhaps I do have an unconscious bias, and there are ways in which I can eliminate those from my life, both at home and in the…