Extracts from black pepper discourage insect pests from laying eggs on
and pose lower risk to humans and the environment than other pesticides, a
University of Ottawa researcher says.
The more susceptible species were pine sawflies, which are passed on
ornamental plants and caterpillars such as the eastern tent caterpillar
Black Pepper worked better when insects are soft-bodied during the larval
stage because the chemical is able to penetrate.
The extracts were as efficient as the synthetic pesticide diazinon. Better yet,
Pepper is unlikely to cause many of the problems associated with synthetic
pesticides, such as groundwater contamination, insect resistance and human
But there's not as much concern in terms the impact on human health
because of the long history of culinary use and medicinal use. (CBN, 2003)
Garlic is an old time organic insecticide that has only moderate success with over the decades. Only use an insecticide if you have an infestation. And garlic,
If you have found, it does not do a great job once you have an infestation. Since it doesn't kill bugs, only deters them a bit, you have to reapply it every time you have any rain, water or even a heavy dew. It's a lot of work for minimal gain. (Ron, 2009)
Garlic Bulbs has an amino acid that converts to a substance called allicin when crushed, blended or chopped that lets the Insect to move elsewhere. The characteristic odor released as a result of this process has powerful properties.
However, the treatment is odourless to humans within minutes of application.
Black Pepper is a spice that consist of dried berry of an Indian vine ground with the Black husk still on. Black Pepper is used in medication and it contains small amount of safrole, a mildly carcigenic compound.
This study attempted to determine how Black