Question Type: Multiple Choice
1) All of the following defense mechanisms are present in the urogenital system except:
a) normal flora competing with opportunists
b) sphincter muscles
c) flushing action of fluids
d) high pH
Answer: d
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: LO 20.1 Review the anatomy of the urinary and reproductive tracts as it pertains to microbial defenses.
Section Reference 1: Section 20.1 Components of the Urogenital System
2) If cleansing beneath the foreskin is inadequate, a voided urine specimen may contain _____.
a) Escherichia coli
b) Staphylococcus aureus
c) Mycobacterium smegmatis
d) Micrococcus luteus
Answer: c
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective 1: LO 20.1 Review the anatomy of the urinary and reproductive tracts as it pertains to microbial defenses.
Section Reference 1: Section 20.1 Components of the Urogenital System
3) The acid pH in the vagina is predominantly due to ______ fermenting the _____ present in vaginal cells.
a) Staphylococcus, glycogen
b) Escherichia, glucose
c) Staphylococcus, starch
d) Lactobacillus, glycogen
Answer: d
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: LO 20.1 Review the anatomy of the urinary and reproductive tracts as it pertains to microbial defenses.
Section Reference 1: Section 20.1 Components of the Urogenital System
4) Cystitis is inflammation of the _____.
a) urinary bladder
b) urethra
c) nephron
d) kidney
Answer: a
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: LO 20.2 Describe bacterial and parasitic diseases of the urogenital system that are not sexually transmitted.
Section Reference 1: Section 20.2 Urogenital Diseases Usually Not Transmitted Sexually
5) Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the _____.
a) bladder
b) rectum
c) kidney
d) urethra
Answer: c
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: LO 20.2 Describe bacterial and parasitic diseases of the urogenital system that are not sexually transmitted.
Section Reference 1: