After feeling the pressure from PETA, protestors, animal rights activists, and their declining park attendance rates, SeaWorld introduced that they were to spend $100-million on expanding their orca enclosure (Martin). However, soon after the corporation declared they would be ending their controversial “orca breeding program,” they also released a statement that they will not be following through with their expansion plan (Martin). While this is a huge leap forward for the large mammals, they are not free quite yet. In an interview with Martin Hugo, a writer for the Los Angeles Times, new SeaWorld Entertainment Chief Executive Joel Manby explained that releasing the domesticated animals to the wild would do more harm than good to their health. Manby also addressed that a sea pen for the whales would be unrealistic due to the outrageous amounts of money that would have to be put into
After feeling the pressure from PETA, protestors, animal rights activists, and their declining park attendance rates, SeaWorld introduced that they were to spend $100-million on expanding their orca enclosure (Martin). However, soon after the corporation declared they would be ending their controversial “orca breeding program,” they also released a statement that they will not be following through with their expansion plan (Martin). While this is a huge leap forward for the large mammals, they are not free quite yet. In an interview with Martin Hugo, a writer for the Los Angeles Times, new SeaWorld Entertainment Chief Executive Joel Manby explained that releasing the domesticated animals to the wild would do more harm than good to their health. Manby also addressed that a sea pen for the whales would be unrealistic due to the outrageous amounts of money that would have to be put into