• The company has over 150 products, catering for all areas in natural health and vitamins. Products are distributed primarily through retail pharmacies, supermarkets and health food shops and operations now stem offshore to New Zealand and throughout Asia.
• Products are developed by Blackmores Scientific Researchers and are governed under the strict guidelines and control of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
• Blackmores’ initial process of the research of alternate medicines was initially via the supply of products and funds to external researchers. However, the...
• Blackmores Limited (BKL) listed on the Australian Stock Exchange on the 2nd May 1985. Ownership structure has remained relatively constant, with the largest shareholder with a total substantial holding of 24.69% of the company is the Executive Director Marcus Blackmore, son of the founder Maurice Blackmore.
• The company has over 150 products, catering for all areas in natural health and vitamins. Products are distributed primarily through retail pharmacies, supermarkets and health food shops and operations now stem offshore to New Zealand and throughout Asia.
• Products are developed by Blackmores Scientific Researchers and are governed under the strict guidelines and control of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
• Blackmores’ initial process of the research of alternate medicines was initially via the supply of products and funds to external researchers. However, the...
• Blackmores Limited (BKL) listed on the Australian Stock Exchange on the 2nd May 1985. Ownership structure has remained relatively constant, with the largest shareholder with a total