|Name: | |
|Title / Department: | |
|Phone Number: | |
|User type (business, functional, management, | |
|field): | |
|Survey Date: | |
|Survey conducted by: | |
Survey questions:
During the past 6 months how often have you contacted the helpdesk for IT support, on average
1. Once/week 2. Once/month 3. Once every 2 or 3 months 4. One time in the past 6 months 5. Have not called in past 6 months 6. It varies / It depends / Other:___________________________
Comments on rate of contact with the IT helpdesk:
Rate level of satisfaction with various attributes of the IT Department’s helpdesk staff. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means “not at all satisfied” and 10 means “extremely satisfied,” please rate each of the following support staff attributes
1. Product/application knowledge of the staff
2. Technical/platform knowledge of the staff
3. Courtesy of the staff
4. Promptness in returning calls or responding to voice mail messages
5. Overall responsiveness to your support needs
6. Overall satisfaction with the support