Former Republican Governor (MA); presidential nominee-apparent | |
North American energy independence in 8 years
With regards to our relationship with Mexico: Our economies can thrive together. The oil resources that Mexico has, that's one of the reasons that Romney knows that we can be able to achieve North American energy independence in eight years. We're going to work together with Mexico, if they're willing, to help share technology, and ultimately, investment, if they would like, to take advantage of those resources they have.
No consensus on extent of global warming or human activity
Q: What is your position on cap-and-trade, carbon taxes, and other policies proposed to address global climate change--and what steps can we take to improve our ability to tackle challenges like climate change that cross national boundaries?
Romney replied: He isn’t a scientist himself, but his best assessment of the data is that the world is getting warmer, which human activity contributes to that warming, and that policymakers should therefore consider the risk of negative consequences. However, there remains a lack of scientific consensus on the issue--on the extent of the warming, the extent of the human contribution, and the severity of the risk--and he believes we must support continued debate and investigation within the scientific community. Ultimately, the science is an input to the public policy decision; it does not dictate a particular policy response.
$90B on green energy is better spent on private research
Romney is a strong supporter of federally funded research. The answer to spending constraints is not to cut back on crucial investments in America's future, but rather to spend money more wisely. Pres. Obama spent $90 billion in stimulus dollars in a failed attempt to promote his green energy agenda. That same spending could have funded the nation's