In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries people were regarded as either adults or children the transition period between these stages of life was not acknowledged as it is today. Today we have the term adolescent, this is when we are no longer regarded as children but not yet regarded as adults (around the ages of 13 to 18), in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries this did not exist as a result a person became an adult at about the age of sixteen, before that you were a child and nothing else. Once you became an adult you were expected to find someone to marry and make a good life out of yourself this is shown in the movie Pride and Prejudice when all of the girls are so anxious to get out of their parents hair and stop being a burden.
In the middle of the twentieth century a great change had occurred in the worlds youth life had become less about getting married and being successful and became more about having fun and enjoying life. Adolescents were disconnected from the other ages in life and were establishing themselves as a proper age period. Since