I’ve Fallen Over and I Can’t Get Up by Ashley L. Madern, Michael D. Hood, Jeffrey C. Paul, Jr., and Philip J. Stephens
Department of Biology, Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Part I – Children Playing in the Heat
The summer of 1985 turned out to be the hottest on record for Tulsa, Oklahoma, and that day in July was one of the hottest. Two boys were playing outside while their mothers were inside preparing lunch for their children.
“The boys have been outside for more than two hours, they must be hot and tired. Let’s get them inside and have them watch TV after lunch; they can go back outside when it cools off. John has been talking about putting in a pool; that will make these hot summers more bearable.”
The women stopped talking when they heard someone tapping on the sliding glass door facing the back yard.
“Mrs. Myron, Mrs. Myron, come quickly,” someone called out.
“What’s wrong, Jack?” asked Mrs. Myron as she opened the sliding door.
“Greg fell over and didn’t get up,” Jack said, as he and the two women ran over to a four-year-old boy lying next to the sand box.
“We were building a big castle in the sand box,” Jack continued. “Greg wasn’t happy because one of the towers fell in.
He stood and went to jump on it, but he just fell over. I thought he was just playing, but he didn’t get up.”
The two women carried the limp boy into the house and lay him on the sofa. Mrs. Myron was placing a cool, wet cloth on her son’s forehead when his eyes opened.
“What happened?” Greg asked.
“You passed out, again,” replied his mother. “I noticed that you didn’t touch the lemonade we left you boys.”
“Do you think we should take him to hospital?” asked Mrs. Rose, Jack’s mother.
“I’m afraid this isn’t the first time this has happened,” replied Mrs. Myron. She pinched the skin on the back of her son’s hand and noticed that it did not spring back. “I think he’s just dehydrated. He gets so immersed in