Brennan Welty
Kaplan University
Thesis: Ending the spread of HIV and blood borne diseases will be hard, but if everyone knows the right steps to prevent it, these diseases can be stopped.
I. Introduction
II. 1st body paragraph
III. 2nd body paragraph
IV. 3rd body paragraph
V. Conclusion
I. Introduction
a. Explain what HIV and Blood borne diseases are
b. How these diseases relate to the medical field
c. Talk about how to prevent these diseases
i. Include thesis
II. 1st body paragraph
a. Talk about the spreading of these diseases through the use of needles for
i. Personal use
1. Drugs, self-piercings, and tattoos not done professionally
a. For prevention need to ensure people are informed as to why not to do these things ii. Medical use
1. Professionals in the medical field need to ensure that the needles they use are sterile and haven’t been used before
III. 2nd body paragraph
a. Explain how sexual intercourse can lead to these diseases if people are not careful
i. Talk about what how to have sexual intercourse …show more content…
This is where an open wounds fluids travel through another open wound and spreading the disease (AIDSinfo). This is actually more common than people realize. A good example would be if two people got in a car accident. One of the drivers got scratched up, but is feeling well enough to go aid the other driver. He lifts the other driver out of the car who got scratched up as well and they made wound-to-wound contact. If one of those drivers had a blood borne disease, they just passed it on to the other. The best way to prevent this is to avoid these situations as much as possible. If someone has a fresh wound, they should stay away from other people who have fresh wounds. Once the wound stops bleeding and is covered with a Band-Aid or other covering, these people can make