Blood pressure can be lowered by the actions of artrial natriutretic peptide (ANP) hormone. Atrial natrriuretic hormones are a protein and a vasodilator, which is released by heart muscle cells. The hormone is involved in maintaining the homeostatic control of water and sodium a constant. Cells in the atrial chamber of the heart release Atrial natriuretic when the body senses high blood pressure. The hormone acts to lower blood pressure by reducing the water and sodium levels in the circulatory system. This results in blood pressure being lowered. There are many pressure-controlling hormones. For instance, the kidneys control arterial pressure inducing changes in the volume of extra cellular fluids through the renin-angiotensin system. Renin is an enzyme released by the kidneys when the blood pressure is dangerously low. Renin helps to increase blood pressure through several ways. It promotes the release of angiotensin I, a mild vasoconstrictor, by entering the blood circulation. Angiotensin I is then enzymatic-ally processed to become angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstrictor that acts mainly on the small arterioles, and in a lesser way on
References: Hormone control of blood pressure. (n.d.). Retrieved from osmoregulation-and-excretion/hormone-control-blood-pressure/ Sharma, S. (2002). Control of arterial blood pressure. Retrieved from Weber, C. (2007, December 27). What is the renin-angiotensin system?. Retrieved from system.htm