Megan McGlade - 200343933
Case Study
Patient: Female, 41
The patient has wind-cold from work she was doing outside, and blood stasis due to a recent surgery. She spent a good length of time assessing tree damage a week pervious. The weather while my client was working was cold, windy and the season is winter. The weather effected her body and the pathogen developed. Its possible the patient was previously yang deficient, from her surgeries, explaining why her body may have not been able to fight the wind-cold pathogen. The patient is suffering symptoms such as muscle aches through the neck as well as the back, stuffy, runny nose, a low-grade fever, cold limbs and torso, accompanied by a severe occipital headache. All of the patients symptoms are …show more content…
The patients lifestyle is very busy but over working can deplete Yang(upright Qi) which makes it hard for the body to fight off external pathogens. The patients sore knee as well as a slight purple hue on her tongue indicated that she has some blood stasis due to her injury and recent surgeries. Dramatic injuries can be a causative factor for blood stasis, manifesting as muscular swelling and pain. Blood stasis causes bleeding when it obstructs normal passageways, at which point the blood is forced from the blood vessels. I suggest the patient take some time to rest, eat plenty of warm foods, adding warm pungent herbs to her diet to dispel the Wind-Cold. Her fever is mind, in this case its appropriate to add diuretics so the patient can sweat out the external pathogen. Using Herbs that invigorate the blood and dispel blood stasis will help to break down the blood and promote movement of blood and Qi. I recommend acupuncture to stop the cold in its tracks, cupping, breathing exercises and warming therapy. The Patient must keep her feet warm and always