HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Patient Name: Chapman Robert Kinsey Patient ID: 110589 Date of Admission: 23 February ---Page 2
MEDICATIONS: Warfarin or Coumadin,
HISTORY: The patient is a 53-year-old black individual, who has had diabetes for at least six months, but thinks it has been longer than that. He has had a foot ulcer since January.…
At today's visit, she is found sitting in her wheelchair at Tiffany hall SNF. She is pleasantly confused. The facility staff reports that she was recently treated with ABT for new onset UTI. The staff reports that she continues to be follow by Vohra wound specialist for a chronic venous stasis ulcer that she has on her RLE. She has had this wound for a duration of 102 days. Her wound is dress by facility staff with xeroform dressing. She reports…
FAMILY HISTORY: The patient was adopted and does not know her family history. She lives with her husband; she has one son living and well who is in the military.…
Jessica McGowan HIM 2330 – Shaw July 2, 2014 Reimbursement Assignment and Case Mix Case #1 Female 66yo 01-Home ICD-9-CM Code Code Description Principal Diagnosis 682.7 Cellulitis, left foot Secondary Diagnosis 892.1 Infected dog bite 041.10 Staph infection E906.0 External cause: dog bite Principal Procedure 86.22 Wound debridement, foot Total Charges $6,245.10 DRG: 0572, SKIN DEBRIDEMENT W/O CC/MCC DRG Wt. 01.0077____ Full Update Hospital Reimbursement___$5,064.79__________ Reduced Update Hospital Reimbursement__$4,762.49…
The patient , whom I will call Sue, presented in the walk-in Surgery and told me she had had three days of stinging pain on passing urine, increased frequency of passing water and intermittent low abdominal discomfort. She also said that she had a water infection three months previously and that she thought that she now had the same problem. She had tried over the counter (OTC) medications and had increased the amount of fluids she drank with little effect. She said that her abdominal pain reduced after taking paracetamol but reoccurred after a few hours. She requested a prescription of the same antibiotics she had last time she had this problem.…
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This is a 53-year-old black individual a patient of Dr. Shelton, who has had diabetes for at least six months, but he thinks it has been longer than that. He says his last known blood sugar was in the 300’s. He presents in the ER today with a foot ulcer since January of this year. He stated that it started with blisters where he had soaked his feet too long in hot water. He has had no eye examination for two years. There has been no surveillance of chronic complications of diabetes.…
11/16/15 Progress note indicated that the patient has constant pain. He has burning, stabbing pain in the right lateral elbow. He has difficulty in making a full fist. It takes a long time to release with the use of hot water, if he does make a fist. The pain radiates from his shoulder down to his right thumb, index and middle fingers. Pushing, pulling, reaching and turning doorknob aggravate the pain. Pain medications…
MEDICATIONS: Prednisone 7.5 mg Po daily, estradiol 0.5 mg Po QAM, Mobic 7.5 mg Po daily recently discontinued because of questionable allergic reaction, HCTZ 25 mg Po every other day, and oral calcium supplements, in the past she has been on penicillamine, azathioprine, and hydroxychloroquine but she has not had azulfidine, cyclophosphamide, or chlorambucil.…
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is an elderly mail who fell 4 days prior to admission. He noted immediate pain and swelling in the area just below his left elbow. He was presented to the emergency room for treatment.…
The patient was transported from home by her daughter-n-law. According to patient daughter-n-law she has been complaining of pains in her right leg approximately one day. Family administered daily pain medications that did not help the condition of her persisting pain. After pain persisted daughter in law later brought the patient in to the emergency room for examination.…
He was admitted to Flushing Hospital on 12/18/2016 with primary diagnoses of Infected Left Toe, Cellulitis, LT LE and RUE Gangrene, Osteomyelitis, and secondary diagnoses of S/P Partial 4th & 5th Ray Amputation, LLE Angioplasty, S/P RUE Angioplasty, ESRD ON HD ~ RT AVF – M/W/F, PAD/PVD S/P RT BKA W Prosthetic, HTN, DM W Neuropathy, and HLD. Resident is alert and oriented x3 and able to make all needs known. Resident uses a wheelchair to ambulate.…
Patient 1-Patient now complains of nausea and is experiencing intermittent vomiting. Patient is extremely fatigued and dizzy and blood pressure is rising. Patient 2- Oxygen saturation has decreased slightly as the patient noted increased difficulty breathing. Supplemental oxygen was administered. Patient complains of a tingling and weakness in the hands, feet, legs, and arms. Patient has difficulty swallowing and requires a feeding tube.…
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished male who appears to be in moderate distress with pain and swelling in the upper left arm. VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 140/90, temperature 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit, pulse 97, respiration 18.HEENT: Head normal, no lesions. Eyes, arcus senilis, both eyes. Ears, impacted cerumen, left ear. Nose, clear. Mouth, dentures fit well, no lesions. NECK: Normal range of motion in all directs. INTEGUMENTARY: Psoriatic lesion, right thigh, approximately 1 mL in diameter. CHEST: Clear breath sounds bilaterally. No rales or rhonchi noted. HEART: Normal sinus rhythm. There is a holosystolic murmur. No friction rubs noted. ABDOMEN: Normal bowl sounds. Liver, kidneys, and spleen are normal to palpitation. GENITALIA: Tests normally descended bilaterally. RECTAL: Prostate 2+ and benign. EXTREMITIES: Pain and swelling noted above…
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mr. Barua is a 42 year old from Bangladesh who presents with chest tightness, shortness of breath, and tachycardia. Dr. J.K. McClain of cardiology is evaluating his heart condition. The patient has had the resent onset of hemoptysis. He was treated for TB in Bangladesh 15 years ago. This has prompted the concern of whether his treatment for TB was adequate or whether there is another cause for his hemoptysis. The duration of his TB treatment was apparently adequate, according to his wife. But no records are available. In addition, the patient had thrombosis of the auxiliary artery treated last year at Hill Crest. He had an embolectomy and has been on Coumadin since. INR is significantly elevated at 16. Nonetheless, because of the cavitary lesions that are seen in the right and left upper lobes, the possibility of TB has been raised. Ancillary history was given by the patients wife Nepor, with the patient translating for her from the Hindu language.…
Hack, A. (2003) Leg ulcers wounds - taking the patient 's perspective into account. Journal of Wound Care; 12: 8, 319-321.…