
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

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A nice young female is quietly walking back to her apartment late in the night, when she feels someone watching her. She quickly whips around to find that she is staring in the pure darkness. Nothing is there, she thinks to herself, but she can still feel the pure eeriness of someone watching her. She quickens her pace to make it to her apartment safely, but when she is about to be safely behind a locked door, something comes crashing down on her head. Blood goes splattering everywhere. The criminal investigators come in the next morning to investigate what happened to this innocent lady. They put all their knowledge together and decide to try to solve this case by using what? Bloodstain Pattern Analysis! Blood, the red liquid that …show more content…

Bloodstain pattern analysis has been around for as long as fingerprinting has been used as a means to identify criminals. Hans Gross, in his 1892 papers, "Criminal Investigations," described bloodstains found at crime scenes and that the direction of the bloodstains could be determined by the shape of the bloodstain. Balthazard, a French criminal analyst, found that the angle a bloodstain stuck the surface could be determined by dividing the width of a bloodstain by the length. This helped in determining the location from which the bloodstain came from. Eventually, they put this worked under the category of forensic science. In defining bloodstain pattern analysis, some might say, "Show what happened at the crime scene through bloodstains, and there it is bloodstain pattern analysis." Technically that is incorrect, but basically that is what it is. According to the book Blood Stain Analysis by Terry L. Laber and Barton P. Epstein, it is the reconstructing of events causing the bloodstain patterns to be …show more content…

Even though rarely being the master key to the lock, bloodstain splatter analysis can be important in the complicated and mind boggling process of reconstructing a violent crime. Even though bloodstain splatter analysis isn't pinpoint accurate, experts still provide criminal analysts with good approximations of the position of both the victim and suspect. Now when talking about pinpoint accuracy, scientist are looking for an area the size of a volleyball or a head, even though with the technology and equipment they have today they could track it down to the size of a fist. This can be a crucial investment in deciding how to proceed with a

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