Module Two
Procurement and Supply
Blozis Company Case Stu
September 28, 2012
Table of Content
Executive Summary Page
Part 1 Executive Summary 2
Issue Identification Part 3 Immediate Issue 3 Part 4 Systematic Issue 3
Environmental & Root Cause Analysis
Part 5 Qualitative Analysis 4
Part 6 Alternatives 5
Part 7 Recommendations 5
Part 8 Recommendations Implementation 5
Monitor and Control
Part 9 Monitor and Control 6
Part 10 Conclusion 7
Part 1: Executive Summary
My Decision is to analyze the current procurement process. And besides the procurement issues it seems there are not clear job descriptions and responsibilities and consequently some roles are overlapping each other creating problems in third party departments such as Accounts Payable.
Blozis Company is a manufacturer of highly technical equipment with gross sales of $16 million per year. The company produces primarily units designed to customer specification by highly trained and knowledgeable engineers that can make to purchase applications or keep up with the market and stock highly useful products for off the shelf sale.
Issues such as materials and products being lost with the company; invoices not being paid on time which obviously results in loss of early payment discounts are creating internal problems that are growing and impacting in a negative way the supply chain and other support departments.
There are some managers that are complaining about how and when materials are charged to their accounts, they do not know when material arrived, and that purchase orders are taking longer to be competed.
As the supply manager I will investigate the scenarios that are causing the lack of communication and present a supply chain strategy that will