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Table of Contents
Page 1. Executive Summary---------------------------------------------------3 2. Discussion I. Define-------------------------------------------------------------------4 II. Measure----------------------------------------------------------------5 III. Analyze-----------------------------------------------------------------7 IV. Improve----------------------------------------------------------------9 V. Control-----------------------------------------------------------------11 3. Appendix---------------------------------------------------------------13
1. Executive Summary
The purpose of this project was to gain experience in quality improvement by working with an organization to identify a business problem, analyze the causes, develop an improvement plan, implement changes, and to verify the effectiveness of the solutions. For this project we had to keep scope in mind. This project had to follow certain criteria, such as: that it is a manageable project with a local organization, it can be completed within the time frame of the course, it has a direct impact on external customers, it is relatively simple, and that it is not something that is currently undergoing major changes. The partner organization that our group worked with was CVS Pharmacies, and our main problem had to do with their current inventory process. Through problem identification tools, that helped us determine the what, when, where, how and who of the problem, as well as through tools such as SIPOC, scatter plots, C&E diagrams and KPIV/KPOV diagrams we were able to develop a focused problem statement. Our focused problem statement says that due to a poor inventory process, it takes too long for employees to find items that are out of stock (on the shelves), that have been requested for by customers, resulting in lost productivity, as well as frustration by customers,