
Risk Scenario

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4258 Words
Risk Scenario
Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Course Project



Karon O’Brien

Table of Contents

Introduction Page 3

Risk Scenario Related to Patient Care and Safety Page 5

Risk Scenario Related to the Physical Plant Page 9

Risk Scenario Related to Staffing Page 13

Best Practices in 4 Hospitals Page 15

Tenet Healthcare Page 16

Cleveland Clinic Stroke Improvement Plan Page 17

Conclusion Page 18

References Page 19


The issue of risk scenario carries immense importance for most of the hospitals that are part of the healthcare setting. However, there is not only one scenario that can affect the hospitals but there are several scenarios that can create an impact on the functions of the hospital. There are three scenarios that would be highlighted in the current topic. These three scenarios have a tendency to put a hospital at risk for financial stability. The first scenario that can produce a negative impact on the hospital risk is related to patient care and safety. The second scenario is related to the physical plant. The third and last scenario is related to staffing. The role of HIM practitioner in this regard would be very important. They would serve as a clinical quality assessment resource and as a team member to perform their tasks related to healthcare work. Therefore, all the issues related to three scenarios will be discussed in detail.

The impetus for quality improvement has been driven in recent years by three main factors:

1. The amount of money that the US spends on healthcare per capita and as a percent of GDP is far higher than any other country in the world. We spend 15% of GDP, with the next-highest countries, Germany and France, at 10% of GDP. This high level of spending has not brought higher life spans or quality of life years. Those who pay the bills are therefore asking if they are getting quality

References: Arrow, K, (1963), Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care, American Economic Review, pp. 23-48. Currie, J, (1996), Health insurance eligibility, utilization of medical care, and child health, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 45-79. Dreachslin, J, (2007), The role of leadership in creating a diversity-sensitive organization. Journal of Healthcare Management, p. 151–155. Finkelstein, A, (2007), The aggregate effects of health insurance: Evidence from the introduction of Medicare, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 102-147. Gruber, J, (2000), Health insurance and the labor market, Handbook of health economics, pp. 17-42. Pauly, M, (2001), Making sense of a complex system: Empirical studies of employment-based health insurance, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, pp. 66-92. Perry, M, (2007), A local solution for hospital-physician relationships, Frontiers of Health Services Management, p. 31–33. Preker, A, (2003), Innovations in health service delivery: The corporatization of public hospitals, Washington, DC: The World Bank, pp. 60-80. Schulte, M, (2009). Healthcare delivery in the U.S.A: An introduction, New York: Taylor & Francis, pp.143-159. Young, K, (2009), Healthcare USA: Understanding its organization and delivery, Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, pp. 20-43.

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