Actually, we are surrounded with polluted milieu that compiles of a lot of abortive feelings such as financial scarcity, impractical depression and blues of career building. Though financial constraints and depression are the vicissitudes of life, but blues of career building matters very much. In fact, blues of career affect our entire life.
Analytically, if we see a person’s career building has been very tough now-a-days. Building a career is difficult in this age of fierce competition and limited resources. While building the career, we are afraid of In career building, every one of us contemplates over unnecessary blues such as phobia of failure, self-esteem debasement, dissatisfaction with destiny and the counting continuesetc. Now a question arises that why do we think of these melancholies? Precisely, the society in which environment where we are living drags us toward such glooms disturbing thoughts. More specifically, we people, do not realizeing our potential and capabilities and, compareing ourselves with others participate in competition in order to make bright career. and hence copy others.Thus aAn image is produced in our mind that if I fail or if I am unable to make a better my career, good then it would be an embarrassment for me. embarrassing on me. Along Wwith this worse perception, we people feel become discouraged. A lot of negative thoughts make a place in our mind such as lack of self-confidence, self-esteem debasement, dull career etc. these all insights perplex mind deliberately and consequently causes bluing of career building. AdditionallyAnother aspect is that in early age, only few people are able to realize their interests and able to choose their respective field of interest, whereas majority of the people think short term and choose a career they never loved, leaving themselves with a limited choice to enjoy their jobs. run after making a good career but don’t know where to