Winter Keepsake
Maureen Peal is the new girl in town. Frieda and I were bemused, irritated and fascinated by her. We looked hard for flaws to restore our equilibrium, but had to be content at first by uglying up her name,…
Pg 65.
Bay Boy. Woodrow Cain, Buddy Wilson and Junie Bug- black boys who teased Pecola.
“Black e mo Black e mo ya daddy sleeps necked..” What the boys kept saying to Pecola.
Pg. 73
Maureen trying to make herself seem superior and better than Claudia, Freida and Pecola.
I am cute! And you ugly! Black and ugly black e mos I am cute.
Pg 78
Mr. Henry – a black man who lives with Claudia and Frieda. He invites whores over to their house. Mr. Henry is making up an excuse to why whores are coming to their house and he tries to lie to the girls saying they are a bible study group just so he won’t get caught.
“Those were some members of my Bible class. We read the scriptures together, and so they came today to read with me.”
Junior-a light skinned boy who invites Pecola to his house.
Junior was laughing running around the room clutching his stomach delightedly. Pecola touched the scratched place on her face and felt tears coming. When she started for the doorway Junior leaped in front of her. “You can’t get out. You’re my prisoner,”…
Pg. 91-92
Geraldine Junior’s mother who does not pay much attention to Junior. She cares more about the cat than she cares about Junior.
“Get out,” she said her voice quiet.” you nasty little black… Get out my house.”
This is what she said after Junior told her Pecola killed their cat.
Polly Mrs. Breedlove-Pecola’s mom. She works for a white family and a little white girl can call her Polly while even Pecola can’t do that or while other black people may not even do that. This is Polly talking to the girl. She treats the girl as her superior even though she is the adult.
The little girl in pink started to cry. Mrs. Breedlove turned to