Body composition is the percentage of body fat in relation to the remaining parts of the body. A fit person has relatively low, but not too low, percentage of body fat. (Corbin, P. 274) one of the methods done in class was called the skin-fold method. It determines the fat in your body by pinching you and reading how much skin it pinches. It mainly consists of three parts of the body such as triceps, abdominal area, and quadriceps. After getting your score you will be compared using a chart. This will let you know if you are too high or too low on body composition. Body composition could be easily achieved by a healthy eating and always working…
4. Step onto the scale again, and turn around 180 degrees, facing away from the scale.…
In this document of HPE 170 Entire Course you will find the next files: HPE 170 Week 1 DQs.doc…
The waist measurement requires the military member to maintain a healthy lifestyle and meet the required abdominal circumference measurements. For males the minimum waist measurement in inches is 39 and females are 35.5. Accomplishing cardio exercises five times a week in 30 minute sessions reaching the max heart rate is ideal for burning fat and sustaining a health weight. Subsequently, the crunch exercise is also an important component of the Physical Training (PT) and has many benefitting factors.…
Almost everyone who's lost weight has eventually put the weight back on. Why this cruel reality? It's simple, really: During the first months of any diet, your body loses both fat and muscle. Then, when you gain back the weight, you add back only fat because it's much easier to gain fat than it is to gain muscle.…
Physicians and fitness professionals, among others use body mass index (BMI) as a general gauge of the weight status of an individual. BMI is an easy calculation that uses your height in inches multiplied by your weight in pounds. This is not a completely accurate method for all body types and in the diversity of what type of fat is contained in the body or where the body fat is located. " For years, scientists have said that BMI can’t distinguish between fat and muscle, which tends to be heavier and can tip more toned individuals into overweight status, even if their fat levels are low. In the journal Science, the latest data from University of…
1. At which stage of life is the percentage of fluid in the human body highest? Infancy…
Another cause for concern is your weight. There is no relationship between age and weight. However, the proportion between height and weight, your BMI, is indicative of your overall health and is unaffected by bone mass or density. When calculated, your BMI is approximately 46. According to the HSC 3211 textbook, a BMI greater than 40 falls under the category of extreme or case three obesity (90). The book also indicates that this level of obesity, coupled with your waist circumference, places you in extremely high risk for disease (90).…
To determine if someone is overweight or obese we use the body mass index, or BMI. It is a simple, easy to apply, index of weight-for-height that is commonly used in the medical filed to determine styles of body mass. Believe it or not there is a category known as underweight, and it is when your BMI is less than 18.5. Normal is when someone is between 18.5 and 24.9 BMI. This is followed by overweight which is anything from 25.0 to 29.9 BMI. Then the last, but not least is obese, which is considered anything greater than 30.0 BMI (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). There are those that believe that this is not the best way to correctly measure body fat, and they would be correct. Surely a person who is a professional weight lifter can have the same BMI as someone who has always been a couch potato all their life, but the dramatic distinguishing characteristics between these two body styles should leave no doubt in their mind the difference between what would be physically fit and obese.…
Weight will be measured and recorded to the nearest pound. Both height and weight will be officially taken at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). It is very important to be over your minimum or under maximum as not meeting either one will probably either stop you from enlisting or, even worse, prevent you from going to basic training. Height will be measured in stocking feet on a flat surface with the chin parallel to the floor. The body should be straight, but no rigid. Similar to the position of attention. The measurement will be rounded to the nearest inch with the following guidelines: if the text height fraction is less than ½…
Body fat percentage is the total body weight that is compromised of fat. A high body fat percentage can have negative effects on the health; it has been linked to a number of health problems such as increased risk for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. An individual with excess fat, specifically surrounding the internal organs, can contribute to serious medical conditions such as liver disease. Anyone who is concerned with the amount of body fat that may be on their body can measure body fat by assessing their body mass index (BMI).…
Every dieter is looking for a program that works quickly, so they don't become discouraged with a two-pound weight loss after a few weeks of dieting. Many diet plans promise rapid weight loss, however, few deliver results as well as NutriMost. Media reports of people losing five pounds or more per week using the NutriMost system have overweight people flocking to chiropractic physicians who offer the program.…
Eating disorders and weight loss has been always a challenge in the United States. Psychologist has been trying to motivate and encouraging people to lose weight. Focusing on the dangerous methods that can be harmful, such as anorexics nervosas and bulimia, which lead to many eating disorders, which causes the bodies into a dimorphic disorders, into conditions that a one become obsessive with the body which shows a body defect. It has been an epidemic in the media and in the societies where it has an on-going conception of being beautiful, which can have an effect on the body images. The large amount of body fats has provided energy, insulations, organs protection and maintaining of the body function. There will be a struggle beginning by a one taking in too much calories that is used and are compound with the substance of the supply of food which cause the bodies to have excessive fats. The Circumstance can be disruptive with regular functioning, such as having stresses or lack of sleepiness, in addition to the problems, which causes a level of hormones, which becomes very high or very low, encouraging cells to retain fat.…
Body composition is divided into two separate types of mass. These types of masses are referred to as fat-free mass and body fat. Fat-free mass is made up of the body’s non-fat tissue. Fat-free mass is the type that is bone, water muscle, and tissue. Body fat the other type of mass is fat that is located within our body. Body fat is needed because it helps protects our internal organs. It also provides energy, and helps our hormones perform several different functions like the regulation of the body. A person that has good body composition is usually healthier than those with a not so good body composition. Having a more optimal body composition helps improve a person overall wellbeing.…
Whether you are overweight or of normal body weight you should know the impact of body composition on your health. Even if your scale weight is normal, you can still have unhealthy or altered body compositions. Generally speaking, it refers to carrying too much or excess body fat in comparison too lean muscle mass. If your body fat-to-lean ratio increases, so does your health risks. More often than not an unhealthy body composition can lead to obesity a condition associated with many critical health problems. The bottom line is a healthy body composition can not only improve your general health but it can also change your whole quality of life for the better. Excess body fat does more than increase your weight; it also increases your risk of major health problems. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and depression. Not to mention fifty other health problems such as, less common ailments like gout and gallstones. All diseases associated with excess body fat worsen as the amount of body fat increases. New research connects percent body fat ranges directly to BMI. This allows us to understand health risks in terms of percent body fat (Body fat and Health risks,…