Music can be described as the science or art of ordering sounds in succession to produce a composition having continuity. When listening to each recording of the planets it is easy to tell that they follow the format of music. Despite the music produced by the planets sounding more ethereal than what most people are accustomed to, the music has tone and follows a beat or rhythm and does not just fire off at random. While the sounds of most of the planets have very similar characteristics, Saturn and Venus sound completely unique. Saturn has a high pitch ringing that sounds like it came straight out of a horror movie soundtrack and Venus has a very low pitch tribalistic horn sound to it. Although it is not complete common knowledge yet, the planets in the solar system make their own
Music can be described as the science or art of ordering sounds in succession to produce a composition having continuity. When listening to each recording of the planets it is easy to tell that they follow the format of music. Despite the music produced by the planets sounding more ethereal than what most people are accustomed to, the music has tone and follows a beat or rhythm and does not just fire off at random. While the sounds of most of the planets have very similar characteristics, Saturn and Venus sound completely unique. Saturn has a high pitch ringing that sounds like it came straight out of a horror movie soundtrack and Venus has a very low pitch tribalistic horn sound to it. Although it is not complete common knowledge yet, the planets in the solar system make their own