The plan for the brazilian UBI called Bolsa Familia is called a Conditional cash transfer. The way this program works is that people who meet certain conditions such as going to the doctor or enrol their children in school and they receive payments from the government. A study done by the Mastercard Center covers 1/4 of Brazil’s population and another …show more content…
study by World Bank stated that since the plan has been put into place in 2013 the plan has dropped the extreme poverty level from 8.3% to 4.7%. This UBI plan has worked for Brazil and a UBI program can work for us also. The Bolsa Familia even though it is different from most plans for a UBI but, it is one of the most successful plans for a basic income. Though if we want to look at a system more like what most people believe when they think of a universal basic income we should look to Finland’s plan.
Finland’s UBI program even if it is still in pilot mode is closer to a plan proposed Charles Murray, which is that $13,000 will be given to every American over the age of 21 annually.
Finland’s plan is to give 560 euros every month. The only difference is that Murray’s plan would get rid of all forms of welfare. Murray’s plan has been the go to for starting discussion about a plan for a UBI many believe that a UBI is a horrendous idea.
Opponents of the UBI such as Eduardo Porter have written articles to voice their concerns over UBI programs. Eduardo Porter, author of the New York Times article
“A Universal Basic Income Is a Poor Tool to Fight Poverty”, voice concerns such as how the UBI would demotivate Americans and they would stop working. Murray addresses this in his essay by basically stating that though there will be a few irresponsible people that “waste their lives due to the UBI plan, but that is already a thing.” (A Guaranteed Income for Every American para 8). Murray then states that 18% of unmarried males and 23% of unmarried women aged 25 to 54 are not in the work force and that they were all living off of others money. Murray also states that this could save thousands of white collar jobs from being lost to …show more content…
Due to the rise of artificial intelligence in the workplace, American jobs are at risk.
According to a study that an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 9% of American jobs are at risk. Murray also cites Two Oxford scholars who say that 47% of American jobs are at risk. Murray believes that his plan could, at the very least, cushion the effects disaster in the job market. In paragraph 15 of “A Job for Every American” Murray states that, “It could also provide an invaluable benefit:injecting new resources and new energy into an American civic culture that has been one of our greatest assets but that has deteriorated alarmingly in recent
The UBI would not diminish the workforce like most opponents believe. Though it may seem like an unconventional idea, the UBI could help millions of Americans out of poverty. The Universal Basic Income program would save American jobs from being taken over by AI program.s The program could also could help the economy in the event of disaster even if it is unconventional. The program’s benefits outweigh the costs and would ultimately help save the American economy.