Functions of the Skeletal System
♦Skeletal System
Without it, there would be no rigid framework to support the soft tissues of the body and no system of joints and levers to allow the body to move
Consists of bones, connective tissues that includes cartilage, tendons and ligaments
Term skeleton is derived from a Greek word meaning dried
Consists of dynamic, living tissues that are able to grow, detect pain stimuli, adapt to stress, and undergo repair after injury
A joint or an articulation is a place where two bones come together. The structure of a joint is directly correlated to its degree of movement
Strong bones – bear weight and is the major supporting tissue
Cartilage – provide firm yet flexible support
Ligaments – strong bands of fibrous connective tissue that attach to bones and hold them together
Protects the organs surrounded by the bone
Contraction of the skeletal muscles move the bone, producing body movements
Tendons attach skeletal muscles to bones
Joints allow movement between bones
Smooth cartilage allow bones to move freely
Ligaments allow some movement between bones but prevent excessive movement
Calcium and phosphorus are stored in bones; released when blood levels of these minerals decrease
Adipose tissue is also stored in bone cavities; can be released and used as source of energy
♦Blood cell production
Red bone marrow produces blood cells and platelets
Extracellular Matrix
♦Bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments are all connective tissues; characteristics are determined by their extracellular matrix
Contains collagen, ground substance and other organic molecules
koila (glue) + gen (producing)
Tough, ropelike protein
proteo (protein) + glycan (polysaccharide)
Large molecules consisting of polysaccharides attached to core proteins
Proteoglycans form large aggregates, can attract and retain