The epiphysis consist of a spongy bone interior that aids in absorbing stress in the joints.
The Diaphysis is the marrow rich interior thats sole job is to produce stem cells. The periosteum is a dense vascular membrane that surrounds and protects bones and serves as an attachment point for muscle. Red bone marrow is the marrow that produces stem cells that can convert into any cell we may need. Yellow bone marrows sole purpose is to store fat and is located deep in the bone in the compact bone. Having both red and yellow bone marrow is exclusive to long bones only. The articular cartilage is the smooth membrane at the ends of joints that provide smooth action on bone to bone contact. There are several shapes of bones that have specific functions such as long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones, sesamoid bones and sutural bones ( Long bones are bones that are long and thin bones that have a small curve. Short bones are cube shaped bones that are commonly found in the carpal and tarsal
Flat bones are thin bones that provide protection to organs and provide attachment points for muscle, an example of flat bone is the cranium which encases the brain. Irregular bones are bones that are uniquely shaped to support the body, an example of irregular bone would be the vertebrae. Sesamoid bones are bones that develop in areas with a lot of mechanical stress such as the patella. Sutural bones are unique bones that form within the joints between cranial bones and the amount of bones varies from person to person. The microscopic structure of bone consist of the bone matrix which is made up of organic and inorganic compounds ( Osteons are the cylindrical structures that are the functional unit of compact bone. The Osteons typically surround the Haversian canal which contains the blood vessels, nerves, and lymph that allow the bone to survive. The lacunae is what contains mature bone “osteocytes” and canaliculi is the small openings that are within the Haversian canal that allows waste and nutrients to flow through the bone. When bones ossify, Osteoclast break down the old bone material and osteoblast form new bone. Osteoclast are typically located on bone surfaces that need to be broken down while Osteoblast are typically found in growing areas of bones.