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Chapter 5 Answered questions
Chapter 5 The Skeletal System
Although the word skeleton comes from the Greek word meaning “dried-up body,” our internal framework is so beautifully designed and engineered that it puts any modern skyscraper to shame. Strong, yet light, it is perfectly adapted for its functions of body protection and motion.
The skeleton is subdivided into two divisions: the axial skeleton, the bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body, and the appendicular skeleton, the bones of the limbs and girdles. In addition to bones, the skeletal system includes joints, cartilages, and ligaments (fibrous cords that bind the bones together at joints). The joints give the body flexibility and allow movement to occur.

Bones: An Overview
Identify the subdivisions of the skeleton as axial or appendicular.
Axial – bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body - skull, vertebral column, ribs, sternum
Appendicular – bones of the limbs and girdles – all others
List at least three functions of the skeletal system.
Support – framework that supports and anchors soft organs
Protection – protect soft organs
Movement – place for skeletal muscles to attach and use bones as levers to move the body
Storage – fat is stored in internal cavities, also stores minerals such as calcium and phosphorus
Blood cell formation – aka hematopoiesis – occurs within the marrow of certain bones
Name the four main kinds of bones.
Long bones – longer than wide with shaft and heads at both ends made mostly of compact bone (dense and looks smooth and homogeneous) – all bones of limbs except wrist and ankle bones
Short bones – cube-shaped and contain mostly spongy bone (small needlelike pieces of bone and lots of open space) – bones of the wrists and ankles, sesamoid bones (form within tendons), and patella
Flat bones – thin, flattened, usually curved with two thin layers of compact bone sandwiching a layer of spongy bone between – most bones of the skull, ribs, sternum
Irregular bones – all others that don’t fit above – vertebrae, hip bones
Identify the major anatomical areas of a long bone.
Diaphysis – shaft – bone’s length and mostly compact bone
Periosteum – fibrous connective tissue membrane covering diaphysis
Sharpey’s fibers – hundreds of connective tissue fibers secure the periosteum to the underlying bone
Epiphyses – ends of the long bones and made of a thin layer of compact bone enclosing an area filled with spongy bone
Articular cartilage – covers the ends of long bones – glassy hyaline cartilage that provides a smooth, slippery surface that decreases friction at joint surfaces
Epiphyseal line – remnant of plate that covers epiphysis in adults
Epiphyseal plate – flat plate of hyaline cartilage seen in young, growing bones – causes lengthwise growth of a long bone – is replaced by bone when hormones stop bone growth by the end of puberty
Yellow marrow – aka medullary cavity – cavity if the shaft that is primarily a storage area for adipose (fat) tissue – in infants it forms blood cells
Red marrow – confined to cavities of spongy bone of flat bones and epiphyses of some long bones – makes blood cells
Explain the role of bone salts and the organic matrix in making bone both hard and flexible.
Calcium salts deposited in the matrix give bone its hardness, whereas the organic parts (collagen fibers) provide for bone’s flexibility and great tensile strength
Describe briefly the process of bone formation in the fetus and summarize the events of bone remodeling throughout life.
The skeleton of an early fetus is primarily hyaline cartilage while the skeleton of an young child, the cartilage is replaced by bone and cartilage only remains in isolated areas such as the bridge of the nose, parts of the ribs, and the joints
Most bones develop using hyaline cartilage structures as models in a process called ossification that occurs in two steps
Hyaline cartilage model is completely covered with bone matrix by bone-forming cells called osteoblasts leaving the fetus with cartilage “bones” enclosed by “boney” bones
Then, the enclosed hyaline cartilage model is digested away, opening up a medullary cavity within the newly formed bone leaving only two areas by the time of birth – articular cartilage that covers bone ends and persists for life and the epiphyseal plates which allow longitudinal growth
Osteoblasts in the periosteum add bone tissue to the external face of the diaphysis as osteoclasts in the endosteum remove bone from the inner face of the diaphysis wall – a process called appositional growth
Bone growth is caused by the growth hormone which is most active during puberty and at the end of puberty the epiphyseal plates are completely converted to bone
Bone is a dynamic and active tissue – bones are constantly remodeled in response to two factors
Calcium levels in blood – when calcium levels drop in the blood, the parathyroid releases parathyroid hormone (PTH) into the blood which activates osteoclasts to destroy bone matrix and add calcium ions to the blood – when blood calcium levels are too high, calcium is deposited in bone matrix as hard calcium salts
The pull of gravity and muscles on the skeleton – bones of the bedridden or physically inactive people tend to lose mass and to atrophy, because they are no longer subjected to stress
PTH tells when bone is broken down or formed in response to calcium levels while stress of muscle pull and gravity tell where bone matrix is broken down or formed
Name and describe the various types of fractures.
Closed (simple) – bone breaks cleanly but does not penetrate the skin
Open (compound) – broken bone ends penetrate through the skin
Comminuted – bone breaks into many fragments
Compression – bone is crushed
Depression – broken bone portion is pressed inward
Impact – broken bone ends are forced into each other
Spiral – ragged breaks occur when excessive twisting forces are applied to a bone
Greenstick – bones break incompletely (only half way)
Describe the process of how a bone fracture is repaired
Hematoma is formed – blood-filled swelling that deprives bone cells of nutrients and causes them to die
Break is splinted by a fibrocartilage callus that contains cartilage matrix, bony matrix, and collagen fibers to close the gap – and there is growth of new capillaries into the clotted blood and there is phagocytes disposing dead material
The bony callus is formed – as more osteoblasts and osteoclasts migrate to the area and multiply, fibrocartilage is gradually replaced by a callus of spongy bone
Over next few months, bony callus is remodeled in response to mechanical stress placed on it
Axial Skeleton
On a skull or diagram, identify and name the bones of the skull.
See diagrams on pages 126 and 127 and 129
Describe how the skull of a newborn infant (or fetus) differs from that of an adult, and explain the function of fontanels.
The infants face is very small compared to the size of its cranium but the skull as a whole is large compared to the total body length equaling 1/4th of the total length
The adult skull represents only 1/8th of the total body length
The skull of the newborn still has some areas of hyaline cartilage that has not converted to bone and these fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones are called fontanels (soft spots) which allow the fetal skull to be compressed slightly during birth and they allow the infant’s brain to grow during the later part of pregnancy and early infancy, which would not be possible if the skull was fused in sutures already
Name the parts of a typical vertebra and explain in general how the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae differ from one another.
See diagrams on page 131 and 133
The typical cervical vertebrae are the smallest, lightest and most often their spinous processes are short and divided into two branches atlas (C1) has no body and its superior surface of the transverse process contains large depression that receive the occipital condyles of the skull, allows you to nod yes axis (C2) acts as pivot for the rotation of the atlas, it has a large upright process, the odontoid process (dens), which acts as the pivot point, allows you to indicate no
Thoracic (T1-T12) – are all typical, they are larger than the cervical vertebrae, the body is somewhat heart-shaped and has two costal demifacets on each side, which receive the heads of the ribs, the spinous process is long and hooks sharply down
Lumbar (L1-L5) – have massive, block-like bodies with short, hatchet-shaped spinous processes, these are the sturdiest of the vertebrae due to the stress they are under
Sacrum – formed by fusion of five vertebrae
Coccyx – formed from the fusion of three to five tiny, irregularly shaped vertebrae – tailbone
Discuss the importance of the intervertebral discs and spinal curvatures.
The single vertebrae are separated by pads of flexible fibrocartilage – intervertebral discs – which cushion the vertebrae and absorb shocks
In youth, the discs have a high water content and are spongy and compressible
In old age, the water content is less and the disks become harder and less compressible
The discs and the S-shaped structure of the spine work together to prevent shock to the head and help make the body trunk flexible and allow you to walk upright
Primary curvatures – thoracic and sacral regions present at birth
Secondary curvatures – develop later – cervical appears when baby raises its head and lumbar curvature develops when the baby begins to walk
Explain how the abnormal spinal curvatures (scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis) differ from one another.
See diagram on page 132
Scoliosis – spine curves to left or right
Kyphosis – spine curves outward at shoulders (upper thoracic)
Lordosis - spine curves inward in lumbar region
Appendicular Skeleton
Identify on a skeleton or diagram the bones of the shoulder and pelvic girdles and their attached limbs.
See diagrams on pages 139 – 145
Describe important differences between a male and female pelvis.
The female inlet is larger and more circular
The female pelvis as a whole is shallower, and the bones are lighter and thinner
The female ilia flare more laterally
The female sacrum is shorter and less curved
The female ischial spines are shorter and farther apart, thus the outlet is larger
The female pubic arch is more rounded because the angle of pubic arch is greater
Name the three major categories of joints and compare the amount of movement allowed by each.
Fibrous joints – where bones are united by fibrous tissue – sutures of the skull – allow essentially no movement
Cartilaginous joints – where the bone ends are connected by cartilage – pubic symphysis of the pelvis and intervertebral joints of the spine are slightly moveable joints (amphiarthrotic) – hyaline cartilage epiphyseal plates of growing bones and cartilaginous joints between first ribs and sternum are immovable cartilaginous joints (synarthrotic)
Synovial joints – where articulating bone ends are separated by a joint cavity containing synovial fluid
All have four things in common
Articular cartilage – covers ends of the bones of the joint
Fibrous articular capsule – encloses the joint surfaces and is lines with a smooth synovial membrane
Joint cavity – contains the synovial fluid
Reinforcing ligaments usually present
Types based on shape
Plane joint – intercarpal joints of wrist – articular surface essentially flat and only short slipping or gliding movements allowed – nonaxial joints
Hinge joint – elbow, ankle, joints between phalanges of fingers – cylindrical end of one bone fits into a trough-shaped surface of another bone – allow movement around one axis only – uniaxial joints
Pivot joint – proximal radioulnar joint and the joint between the atlas and the dens of the axis – rounded end of one bone fits into a sleeve or ring of bone – rotating bone can turn only around its long axis, these are also called uniaxial joints
Condyloid joint – knuckles – egg-shaped articular surface of one bone fits into an oval concavity in another, both of these articular surfaces are oval and allow the moving bone to travel from side to side and back and forth but it cannot rotate around its long axis – movement occurs around two axes – biaxial joint
Saddle joint – carpometacarpal joints in the thumb – each articular surface has both convex and concave areas – allow same movements as condyloid such as twiddling your thumbs – biaxial joints
Ball-and-socket – shoulder and hips – spherical head of one bone fits into a round socket in another – allow movement in all axes including rotation – multiaxial joints
Developmental Aspects of the Skeleton
Identify some of the causes of bone and joint problems throughout life.
Arthritis – inflammatory or degenerative disease that damages the joints – all forms begin with pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joint then depending on the type, certain changes in the joint structure occur
Acute forms – usually the result of bacterial invasion and are treated with antibiotics – synovial membrane thickens and fluid production decreases, which leads to increased friction and pain
Chronic forms – include the following:
Osteoarthritis – wear-and-tear arthritis of the aged – affects the articular cartilages where over time there is a softening, fraying, and eventual breakdown of the cartilage and exposed bone thickens and extra bone tissue (bone spurs) grow around the margins of the eroded cartilage, the bone spurs grow into the joint cavity and restrict movement
Rheumatoid arthritis – an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attempts to destroy its own tissues – begins with inflammation of the synovial membranes and they thicken and the joints swell as fluid accumulates causing inflammatory cells to enter the joint cavity from the blood and produce pannus, an abnormal tissue that clings to and erodes articular cartilage, this causes scar tissue to form and connect the bone ends and the scar tissue to eventually ossify and restrict joint movement – typically affects many joints at the same time
Gouty arthritis – gout – uric acid accumulates in the blood and may be deposited as needle-shaped crystals in the soft tissues of joints that typically affects a single joint – bone ends could fuse and the joint would become immobilized
Bone-thinning disease in which the thinning of the bones can make them so fragile that a hug or sneeze can cause a fracture – estrogen helps women maintain the health and normal density of bones while other factors such as diet poor in calcium and vitamin D, smoking, and insufficient weight-bearing exercise may also be to blame

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