present the squid opens and closes a shutter over a organ housing the bioluminescent Vibrio Fischeri. Depending on the light detectors on the back of the squid. By doing so the squid can counter illuminate itself and hunt. When the sun rises the squid pumps out the bacteria. The left over bacteria multiplies and refills the organ. The bacteria decides when to glow by using quorum sensing. Bacteria use quorum sensing which is responding to an environment depending on population density depended on the stimuli.
A protein in the bacteria releases hormone molecules which can fit in receptors of other bacteria. Once enough molecules are present in the receptors they lock in and tell the bacteria to glow. This system contributes to bacteria being multi-lingual. One system of communication is interspecies but there is also a generic system that bacteria use to talk to all bacteria. Bacteria use these system’s to decide what is the minority and majority in an environment. In humans bacteria use quorum sensing to coordinate attacks against their host increasing their virulence. Those coordinated attacks makes antibiotics
useless. Antibiotics work by either popping the bacterial membrane or they make it so that the bacteria cannot replicate effectively lowering the population density. But the bacteria that survive are essentially resistant to those antibiotics increasing the demand of antibiotics. Dr. Bassler believes alternate ways to treat bacterial infections are important because eventually antibiotics will lose their effectiveness. The manipulation of quorum sensing to treat bacterial infections can be used by creating a synthetic hormone. The synthetic and real molecules cannot by either system so they effectively block the receptors. One for interspecies system to attack disease specific bacteria and one for the generic system for more broad bacteria.