The scenario is thus expounded as how to distribute the bonus to the employees who are present in the ample amount. The process of parceling out the bonus to the several employees had thus become a major issue. It has thus become a question because the employees receiving pronominal bonuses from the company thus feel rather crest fallen and the others receiving higher amount feel motivated to proceed out with the good work again to have more bonuses next time. The motive is thus none of employees should feel the superiority or the inferiority within the bank and decorum should thus be maintained. The nationality also pertain the outcome in the process of giving the bonuses to the employees and the result is that it affects the employees to such an extent that their working styles change as per the need.
If the officers meet the individual targets as given to them they are rather bail able for the bonus. Since every officer has the responsibility to serve the bank customers, the targets thus excogitate the concept, for every worker targets are set according to their performance that is how they performed in their last target and quality of their work and the total number of customer reckoned. Quality is thus quantified by the number of mistakes made previously and the correct action taken. All the officers are thus enjoined to document such cases as to have registered in the banks computer system. There is near to little problem in determining of the fulfillment of the target. The company thus pays the bonuses for the staff and the simple logic behind it is if the staff is successful in achieving their targets, you will also meet the performance target.
Concept of bonus pool
The concept of bonus pool has rather set a different mind set in every employee or the officer. It has thus given the opportunity to every officer to thus elevate the standard of their own work, contribute in the banks growth and thus
References: 1. "Mafi Wasta" takes on the UAE government. (2010). Retrieved May 8, 2010 from 2. Wasta in middle east. (2008). Retrieved May 8, 2010 from 3. Wasta in Dubai and the UAE . (n.d.). Retrieved May 8, 2010 from